on the internet everyone is just a wall of text to me. (pronouns: it/its)
on the internet everyone is just a wall of text to me. (pronouns: it/its)
they are probably vulnerable to being stolen and stripped for parts.
probably some expensive shit in there.
remember when they banned bots on r/mademesmile or something and there were no posts anymore?
firefox exists on mobile too
my oven cooking tools are stored in there im gonna need it anyway
everything that isn’t a dockerized container won’t go into my server
they are following and going through with marxism-leninism. what exactly is not?
china is socialist, not communist
even more reason to riot
most torrent clients can set a ratio automatically.
mine is set to at least 2.00, not only return the favor but one more for good measure.
one of its many mirrors whenever its dead
i like the gay satanism icon
so piracy is cool right?
she is “finishing her mmo first” lmao we need more denuvo crackers.
big understatement, it makes old torvalds look courteous and nice
100% pure breads 🍞
seems cozy to me
sounds like my kinda guy
no its the market who is wrong