See Them Big Apples [tmz came up with this one] A company placed portal-shaped "sculptures" in the cities of Dublin and New York, allowing residents to essentially have a public, non-stop Zoom meeting with each other. And the marketing stunt went about as well as practically anybody could've expected. While residents initially waved innocent signs […]
If it makes her happy and isn’t hurting anyone else why do you care?
If it makes “Hitler” happy and isn’t hurting “not-Jews” else why do you care?
These kinds of whataboutism is how bad things happen from well-intentioned but ultimately bad things end up happening.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
I don’t know why I’m bothering to feed the troll, but here goes…
Hurting “no one” and hurting “not Jews” are two very different things, you do realize?
Guy says “She’s not hurting anyone”. And your response is “Hitler wasn’t hurting anyone…except the Jews” as though that’s somehow an equivalent rebuttal? What the absolute fuck is wrong with your fucking brain?
Extreme examples bring to light why whataboutism is so prevalent. Find a better answer than “public nudity never hurt no one” … is not the correct answer.
This response is so dumb, reading it has actually managed to make me measurably stupider.