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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • In the professional graphic design world, a logo isn’t just an “icon”.

    Any graphic designer worth his/her salt first asks some questions, gets to know the type of business, what the owner wants to convey, etc… and then creates something that reflects that. It’s why illustrator software will usually have a sort of “scratch board” functionality, where you can quickly develop various iterations until you get to the one that says what you want it to say.

    Generating a shitty AI logo not only denigrates actual iconography, but cheapens the professionals who struggle in that field every day as their own work get’s less and less appreciated.

    Rant over…

  • At least some natural/traditional remidies are legit

    Yes. But that’s not Homeopathy. Holistic/Herbal medicine is valid (for the most part). Heck, most medicine started out as our ancestors realising that this or that plant eased pain, or lowered inflammation or a hundred other things.

    Modern medicine is mostly just a distillation of those age old cures into more convenient pill form.

    But let’s be really really clear here, Homeopathy is NOT “traditional medicine”. It’s a scam. This notion that because an infection makes your eye red, and an onion also makes your eye red, therefore a drop of diluted onion water will cure your eye infection is just a straight up insane at best, criminal at worst.

  • Content, monetization, and ubiquity.

    1. Content: PT skews heavily into Linux and Linux adjacent topics. And that’s fine, but when I say I watch more YT than regular TV, I’m not kidding. And its because of the diversity and variety of channels. Things like History Hit or Every Frame a Painting, and silly shit like Red Letter Media. YouTube isn’t just “let’s plays” and game streaming. So Peertube can’t be “Just Linux”

    2. Monetization: Creators have to get paid. That’s just reality. It would be a fine world if everyone could spend hours doing their passion for free and not have to worry about deeding themselves. If you want #1, you need a certain amount if full time creators, and for that they need to get paid.

    3. Ubiquity: Watching more YouTube than regular TV, I don’t want to sit in front of my computer to do it. We need to be able to access it from smart TVs, ROKU sticks, etc… And not just a port of the website that requires a mouse and keyboard, but something optimized to work with smart TV remote controls.

    The issue with the Fediverse (not that I don’t love the fediverse, I do) is that all of those three things require large scale framework and organisational planning; which is the antithesis to what the Fediverse is all about.

    Tl;Dr – Large scale success of PeerTube as a thing is largely impossible without abandoning the concept of federation itself.

  • Just like any sport game, I only enjoy FIFA in small doses.

    Sports games are literally the definition of “playing the same game over and over again”. I can only ever do maybe a handful of games in a “season” before I start just simming and focusing solely on the management side of things. And even that doesn’t last more than a season. I don’t think there’s any sports game where I’ve run more than one or two seasons.