We are past the soap and ballot box stages.
We are past the soap and ballot box stages.
A really really bad joke.
I think you’re close to the root of it. The need for a biological legacy is strong no matter any affiliations. Having “non-conforming” children threatens that legacy.
For the groups that inflate this drive, that’s all there is. That’s the only purpose. No “we as a species”.
For the rest of us it might be a little disappointing at the prospect of no grandchildren. But we know that it’s ultimately not our decision. And the same outcome could happen regardless of any “conformity”.
Only if my balls feel like they’re going to slip out.
In eighth grade I got into an argument on the bus, precursor to the Internet, with a kid about my ignorance of sex. He drew a picture of a diaphragm and ridiculed me for not knowing what it was.
On one hand, crazy people. On the other, credit bureaus.
Donny Jr hoping for daddy’s approval.
Maybe the time I was headed to lunch with a friend. There was a Mexican restaurant we frequented in a strip mall with a gas station at the end closest to an intersection. We have the green light to cross the intersection as we approach when a shootout occurs at the gas pumps. We were going to turn in right next to the pumps, but my friend geared up and floored it. Yes, geared up. In a diesel. He spent another 15 minutes escaping the danger before asking where we should eat. I told him the safest place was probably at the Mexican place as every cop in town was likely in route.
It’ll be an elephant walk of ai and ai adjacent services.
They going to send whole fraternities over when they supply alcohol to under age kids?
Russia is China’s proxy now, whether they admit it to themselves or not.
Why the deck mad, bro?
I have not seen any uptick. But then again, I’m not looking for it.
If anything, all the extra traffic concerning it will persuade me to be proactive about it.
Some of these may overlap. And borrowing to pay expenses while using the interest as a tax deduction is a long utilized tool of the rich. But his real assets are intended to act as collateral on these loans.
With outstanding loan debt, judgments that can seize his assets, and mounting other leaks in his financing, this is his margin call on all the bad bets he’s made. Including betting on himself.
He thinks that simply having his name on something means it’s his to do as he please. But when the government and the banks start calling, it’s his ass.
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Doubters = Thirsty haters
That’s the premise of modern country music.
If pop culture is to be believed, the country boys will go back to hunting and farming. At least until the diesel runs out. They’ll fight off the free loading hoards from the city looking for food until the ammunition runs out.
I’ve had one open for years that is empty. I think they’re hoping I eventually put money in it so they can drain it for the years it sat unused.