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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I spent a bit of time going through your post history to get an understanding of your background

    In short I think your life experiences mean you’ve lost all trust in men. Not just your direct experiences but what you’ve observed in others.

    As a result you enter each interaction assuming the worst. Every male social worker you engage with will confirm this pattern because that’s what you’re looking for. The - ah fuck here we go again - feeling.

    For them, and I don’t expect you to have empathy for them, this is what they live - the outcomes of other mens behaviours. But - they were there and they tried. That is something.

    You have changed quite a lot of your original post.

  • Story time.

    During a conversation amongst friends the topic of male on female violence came up. there was recently a stabbing attack in Australia where a schizophrenic man stabbed and killed multiple women in a Sydney shopping centre.

    A female friend raised the statistic that 26 women had been killed in the first 114 days of 2024. She made a point of saying Every 4.38 days a woman is violently killed

    I asked - because I didn’t know - Is that like heaps more than last year?how many people would normally die in the same period?

    She said "that’s a pretty misogynistic thing to say”

    So I googled it and I can’t even find the homicide rate in Australia for 2024.

    I am really fucking irritated about this. I assume she had assumed from my question that I was waving off the importance of gender in gendered violence but how that translates into misogyny is beyond me

  • Very small is 3 people. It’s a small company.

    My experience working in a dev company exactly that size -


    Less dead wood (people not carrying their own weight).

    Everyone knows everyone well, it’s a tight team

    Think it, do it - quick to develop and respond

    Less pressure

    Feels a bit like a family

    More chilled than corporate esp. working from home

    More support of networking and linking up with industry peers

    Higher degree of trust and support

    Way more latitude to do what you want to do

    Easy to influence senior leadership

    Can offer things like equity etc

    If you’re a high performer you will be noticed

    Way less red tape

    A lot more trust

    Company can prosper if everyone works hard


    Company favourites

    Can be quite political, although far less so than some large organisations I’ve worked for

    Less cover if you’re on leave or similar

    Harder to get some things done if money is needed (lower budgets and thinner reserves)

    Lower remuneration, fewer levers to pull to get a salary increase

    More drama with paychecks etc

    Fewer higher skilled people to learn from

    Culture can go sideways quickly

    Nowhere near the same level of support and benefits provided by the big companies

    Tend not to attract the best and brightest talent

    Comoany more impacted by economic conditions

    It also greatly depends on you and your preferred style. Some people just outright don’t like working for big businesses and prefer smaller gigs.

  • I think it’s not feasible to stop or control it, for several reasons -

    1. People are motivated to consume ai porn
    2. There is no barrier to creating it
    3. There is no cost to create it
    4. There are multiple generations of people who have shared the source material needed to create it.

    We joke about rule 34 right, if you can think of it there is porn of it. It’s now pretty straightforward to fulfil the second part of that, irrespective as to the thing you thought of. Those pics of your granddsd in his 20s in a navy uniform? Your high school yearbook picture? Six shots of your younger sister shared by an aunt on Facebook? Those are just as consumable by ai as tay tay is.