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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024

  • Also look at the amount of people just in this thread who got some lord of the rings prop or whatever and loved it - women not being a homogeneous block of feminine virtue actually have their own opinions and taste, they are to the shock of many here actually just people and are often dumb, tasteless, and obsessed by things like marvel or that one fantasy book that got popular.

    Jeweller was* probably like ‘oh another client wants something ugly for their nerd wife, well at least it’s not disney ip this time…’

    *yes I acknowledge this was almost certainly made by a nerd jeweler as a show piece and nor brought by oop as a wedding ring.

  • ‘I never want to make it obvious’

    This is a huge red flag to women, what you’re essentially doing is trying to create a power imbalance where you maintain the safe and defended position of acting not interested while they take all the social risk of putting themselves out there. This gives you a much better position in any conversation or disagreement and it allows you to hold the power of humiliation over their head - a situation no one wants to be in.

    The fact you’re targeting women in this way that you feel are more attractive than you exacerbates it because it makes it seem that you don’t really care about them at all and just want to tick the hot gf box.

    People often say that women hit on men in happy relationships and this is somewhat true but not because they’re horny homewreckers but because the guy has stopped acting creepy and manipulative towards them and just seem like decent normal people. When you say you don’t flirt what you mean is difficult to tell because you’re obviously targeting these women and talking to them, even asking them out and getting rejected apparently so I don’t know what you’re actually doing but it’s not acting normal, friendly, and like you consider them anything but a target to throw your Pokeball at.

    No one, including you, wants to date someone that doesn’t make them feel good and add to their lives in a positive and joyful way - in what world does ‘you’re hotter than me therefore I want you as a possession I can have sex with’ make someone feel any of those things? That’s the vibe they’re getting when you refuse to give them even just flirting, who is going to say ‘oh i met this guy, he’s cold to me and makes me kinda feel awkward I can’t wait to spend more time with him’

    Make someone feel good, enjoy spending time with you, and demonstrate that you’re the sort of person worth getting to know better - which by the way includes being open to self change and personal improvement. Let them see that they will be happier in a relationship with you than not being in a relationship with you.

    And this means also that you have to find someone that will be happier in a relationship with you, women aren’t interchangeable and they exist on a much more complex scale than ‘hot body = value’ which is where your head seems to be stuck, looks are one of the least important parts of a relationship which is lucky for a skinny ballet arms boy like you… you need someone you can talk to, can laugh with, can feel safe with, can grow and explore with.

    And yes if you don’t want that sort of relationship and want a woman that only cares about outward appearance then get jacked and earn a shit load of money, seems like a miserable life to me but I’m in love with a fat woman (who I admit is very attractive) because we understand each other and support each other and enjoy each other in ways I never even knew possible - we bonded over shared interests, fell in love over long and tender conversations, and worked through difficulties by being honest and caring.

  • So if someone made a photoshop of him in blackface with racist iconography and he didn’t like it you’d post it everywhere? ‘Look at putin depicted as a disgusting stupid black guy! It sure is humiliating for him to be associated with terrible things like black people!’

    And yes I know it’s tempting to write off things like this with ‘it’s not complex bro, I just do what I feel like and it’s OK because in my heart it’s a progressive act of kindness!’ but life isn’t so simple, actions have unintended and unconsidered implications.

    There’s so many reasons to laugh at putin, even if he was gay it wouldn’t be one of them. Assume the story that this upsets putin didn’t exist as a meme (which btw is likely nonsense anyway) what would be the point of this image? What would it convey? Just homophobia.

  • Yeah and all the communist states are super ecologically friendly, oh no you don’t belive they are communist do you? Handy.

    But let’s imagine a perfectly communist society, are workers all able to heat their house? Able to travel freely? Enjoy hobbies? If you answered yes to these then your either going to need magic or energy.

    You can’t just pretend capitalism is responsible for everything bad, unchecked consumption can happen in any system as can over production, ecological destruction, and all sorts of potential problems. I would love to transition to a decent type of communism but I’m not going to pretend it’ll fix the climate on its own.

  • Lemmy gets very capitalist right wing when it’s about denying other people small pleasures.

    To answer your questipn - With the money used to build the ugly wall, money brought in by tourists, maybe have a little event to raise funding… endless possibilities.

    The thought process ‘other people are stealing pleasure only I deserve’ is pure capitalist brainrot. We should all be working together to make life better, when someone in the countryside uses the internet or a modern tractor that can only happen because of people in cities and all the systems that make those jobs possible, we should acknowledge this and the burden modern living puts on our souls - we should want to help our fellow humans enjoy life where they can by making it easy to enjoy the world not section it off and put a big screen to stop people enjoying it