Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • I’m currently running proxmox on a 32 gig server running a ryzen 5600 G, it’s going fine the containers don’t actually use all that much RAM and personally I’m actually seeing a better benchmarks than I did when I just ran as a Bare Bones Ubuntu server, my biggest issue has actually been a larger IO strain than anything, because it’s a lot more IO heavy now since everything’s containerized. I think I easily could run it with a lower amount of ram I would just have to turn off some of the more RAM intensive items

    As for if I regret changing, no way Jose, I absolutely love the ability of having everything containerized because I can set things up how I want it when I want it and if I end up screwing something up configuration wise or decide that I no longer need that service I can just nuke the container without having to remember well what did I install on this program so I can remove it and do other programs need this dependency to work. Plus while I haven’t tinkered as much in this area, you can hard set what resources you want a lot to each instance, so if you have a program like say a pi hole that you know is never going to use x amount of resources to be able to appropriately work you can restrict what it can do so if something does go wrong with it it doesn’t use all of your system resources

    The biggest con out of it is probably having to figure out how to do the networking side because every container is going to have a different IP address, I found using a web dashboard is my friend because I can have heimdel tell me where all my services are and I just have to click the icon to bring me to the right IP address, it took a lot of work to figure out how it’s operational and how to get it working, but the benefits I’ve gotten of having it is amazing. Just make sure you have a spare disk to temporarily clone partitions to because it’s extremly difficult to use existing disks in the machine. I’ve been slowly going one at a time copying it over to an external drive nuking the and then reinitializing the disc as part of the proxmox lvm and then copying the data back over onto their appropriate image file.

  • I personally will never use nextcloud, it is nice interface side but while I was researching the product I came across concerns with the security of the product. Those concerns have since then been fixed but the way they resolved the issue has made me lose all respect for them as a secure Cloud solution.

    Basically when they first introduced encrypting folders, there was a bug in the encryption program, and the only thing that ever would be encrypted was The Parent Directory but any subfolder in that directory would proceed to not be encrypted. The issue with that is that unless you had server-side access to view the files you had no way of knowing that your files weren’t actually being encrypted.

    All this is fine it’s a beta feature right? Except for when I read the GitHub issue on the report, they gaslit the reporter who reported the issue saying that despite the fact that it is advertised as feature on their stable branch, the feature was actually in beta status so therefore should not be used in a production environment, and then on top of , the feature was never removed from their features list, and proceeded to take another 3 months before anyone even started working on the issue report.

    This might not seem like a big deal to a lot of people, but as someone who is paranoid over security features, the projects inaction over something as critical as that while trying to advertise themselves as being a business grade solution made me flee hardcore

    That being said I fully agree with you out of the different Cloud platforms that I’ve had, nextCloud does seem to be the most refined and even has the ability to emulate an office suite which is really nice, I just can’t trust them, I just ended up using syncthing and took the hit on the feature set

  • Honestly discord is where my friends are at but I would heavily prefer guided or revolt(leaning torwards revolt).

    I tried matrix and honestly as my friend group’s primary server administrator/manager it’s moderation/permission system needs severe work for it to be a replacement for me. I feel bad about it cause it is a nice service, I love the bridge capability and everyone here hard pushes it but, I couldn’t use it in it’s current state.

    edit: also just noticing that this post is months old, not sure how I came across it!

  • judging by lack of description on this post, and the videos description, it’s a rage bait video based off potential intentions behind a website that logs discord activity and sells it for profit. The video description gave a big “I’m trying to egg you to watch this” vibe though so I didn’t go further. The site named has been shut down a few times now, it just renames itself every time and boom operational again.

    my opinion is that’s a risk you gotta take posting stuff online and it likely won’t be going anywhere, nothings secure unless you trust everyone involved. I wish for privacy but I don’t expect it unless I can meet that criteria

  • TPM is a good way, Mine is setup to have encryption of / via TPM with luks so it can boot no issues, then actual sensitive data like the /home/my user is encrypted using my password and the backup system + fileserver is standard luks with password.

    This setup allows for unassisted boot up of main systems (such as SSH) which let’s you sign in to manually unlock more sensative drives.

  • I’m not sure I agree with that, Arch 100% should continue to be mentioned. Just because the Trojan didn’t launch due to the fact that Arch’s environment didn’t meet its criteria, doesn’t mean you should keep a known malicious package on your system.

    People keep preaching to the heavens that Arch was not affected by it, but they don’t always state that Arch was infected by it, it just never binds the library to SSHD like Debian systems do (for systemd notifications) so the attack vector is never made.

    The arch Wiki official statement on it is that you should remove the malicious package and do a full system update. Which should be common sense, but people have to be aware that the system is infected by it in order to know that they have to remove it. A process that if Arch was never mentioned as being involved users wouldn’t think to do

  • I gave up keeping the floor clean, I’m the only one that cleaned in the house, any complaints about the dirt on the floor was met with “well you should be wearing shoes”, any attempt at cleaning the clutter is met with the other household members stressed out because things changed. I take any W I can, but it’s defo a learn to get used to it type of situation at least in my case, and dirt isn’t going to go away sadly.

    I had to start wearing slippers so I didn’t feel the dirt and it stopped getting in my sheets, that might help you avoid noticing it as much if you don’t already do so

  • I mean i have a Bsky account, I don’t really use the platform since it doesn’t seem all that active in comparison to others available.

    From my understanding they created it as a escape from the changes they disliked on twitter, but like in my opinion the privacy settings on it are far too simplistic to be able to function properly as a service. I find myself checking basically every other service instead.