Truly and harrowingly sadly:
Conservative voters hate trans people simply because they’re told to
Conservative politicians tell their voters to hate trans people because it distracts the voters whilst the politician robs them (of their rights, their potential or simply their actual fucking money)
It’s currently trans people because the previous victim roster of gay dudes and middle eastern people just isn’t cutting it any more.
Honestly, I’m pretty sure this is how my grandparents ended up MAGAts. They’re old, in their 90s and their brains are fried. They used to be fairly intelligent, but they can barely think rationally anymore. They still managed to get out to vote for Trump somehow, even after promising everyone in my family that they wouldn’t. They believed that the left is lying just as hard, if not harder, than the right. I don’t know what their views are now that Trump is president again. I don’t talk to them much anymore…
An important thing to note here is that the things your grandparents here are confirming what they already feel to some extent.
You know, they see men dressing as women for drag shows and they feel that there is something weird and unnatural about it. It’s not difficult at all for a demagogue to take that feeling and turn it into bigotry.
If only there was a left wing maybe they would have voted…
I think they fear the unknown because their politicians and pastors link the unknown to SCARY BIBLICAL SINS or whatever. Politicians don’t care, they’re just using trans folk as a satanic panic scape goat. It’s not that they have to leave the sheets at home as much as the same simple minded fear and hatred is easily exploited.
It’s easily demonstrable when they thought they were losing public opinion on gay and trans rights they were LITERALLY boogiemanning about furries shitting in sandboxes provided by schools…
Conservatives generally don’t give a shit about trans people. They don’t hate them, but neither do they care about trans issues. If an issue doesn’t directly affect a conservative, that issue doesn’t exist. We’ve seen this attitude 1,000 times.
Look at pre-election polling for an example. The majority of their opinions were between, “Don’t care.” and “Stop with this trans hate bullshit. The attack ads are mean and hurting our chances.” (All I’m finding are post-election articles ATM.)
It’s conservative politicians that are trying to whip up hate. They need an “other” to focus the people’s ire. And that’s a whole nother write up.
Anecdotally, I’ve not once heard, or overheard, a single word against trans people IRL. And I am neck deep in conservatives around here, and they’re plenty loud.
You must not hang out around trans people IRL then. Whenever I’m out with my friends, someone usually has to make a comment about or to one of my trans friends, just to be mean I guess? I don’t even understand why people feel so happy making her upset
I work and live in Texas and recently became an apprentice electrician after leaving tech.
In both the white collar and blue collar jobs I’ve worked I’ve heard plenty of trans hate and transphobic statements, it’s just more out and loud in the blue collar environments. The people in my area definitely don’t see trans hate as hurting Republicans.
I’m blue collar in NW Florida. Haven’t heard a peep. 🤷
Bigotry leads to more bigotry. If it wasn’t trans folk, it would be Mexicans. Oh wait, it’s both, right? … The reasons don’t matter to them. All they want is hate and harm, and that’s what they live.
All you have to ask is “ Are conservatives mad?” And the answer is always yes.
Conservative politicians always need someone or something different to blame for made up reasons. While the right has historically berated LGBT, they will bring one specific issue or group into focus as another “issue” becomes boring.
They identify something as problem, tell people that the root of all of their problems is that something. If I blame my issues on something else and then tell people I am their savior and the only person that can fix that problem, I could end up looking like a hero when I do absolutely nothing about it.
Also, stupid people in large groups are easy to manipulate. If one or two people start getting mad about something, the whole group will latch on to that emotion. A couple of key words or chants are of use too! If you have ever seen a trump rally, he just says a few key words to piss people off (Mexicans, immigrants, tans, libruls, etc…) and whatever else he says after that is irrelevant.
Most importantly, the targets of hate need to be vulnerable but portrayed as extremely evil.
If you browse through conservative media, notice they rarely reference anything about policy or improving the lives of people. If they do, it’s directly tied to blaming others for a problem. (Left media can be just as bad, but are nowhere near the machine of bigotry that right media is.)
I could go on for a while, but you should get the idea.
Edit: Oh, if you dehumanize and generalize a group (‘the jews’, ‘the gays’, 'the whatever’s), anything you say or do is not perceived internally as racism or bigotry: It’s ‘acting in the best interests of your country’.
While I have blocked all the conservative communities here, just read through their posts one or twice. Almost all of their articles are hate politics. Honestly, I have blocked almost all political news on Lemmy since most of it is just re-hashed emotional trigger subjects.
Honestly, I have blocked almost all political news on Lemmy since most of it is just re-hashed emotional trigger subjects.
God yes, if it’s not conservative or tankie bs, it’s the doomers talking about how literally everything is going to end in the next five years.
Tell me one thing you’re doing to counter a doomers concern
Building doomsday devices.
Getting close to filtering this community with all the stupid American-centric political “questions”
Sorry. It’s probably my fault.
I have other content, I swear:
Check #5, #7, and, of course, #12:
I do not believe conservatives are mad at or hate transexuals
I do believe, however, Conservatives don’t really care what you do on your own. Most disagree with transexuals in general, but most also aren’t interested in bossing you around.
I believe your question presumes wrongly that conservatives are spending their days obsessively looking for ways to control or cause either direct or indirect harm to you. They’re not.
The only things they are not really okay with and won’t allow you to do is pushing your views on them.
I understand they will be okay if you don’t ask them to change the facts on your birth certificate (yes, conservatives see what is in there as facts, you can disagree, but that’s how they see it)
I believe conservatives will be mostly okay if you don’t try to pass laws that punish them for not getting on board with your chosen views.
Same as well with using the state apparatus, taxpayer money, to use public schools to push your views.
They would probably be okay with consenting adults being free to dress in whatever way they want and do whatever they want to their own bodies.
However they would be also expecting to not be compelled in any way whatsoever to play along.
Again, that would mean no laws would be made to compel people to use pronouns or any other language they believe to be untrue.
Most surely, they would like that, In the same vein as dressing up differently doesn’t give you access to opposite sex bathrooms, getting surgical procedures done on yourself wouldn’t also give you access to the bathrooms of the opposite sex.
Very probably, In an ideal conservative world, transition surgery would be categorized as an elective cosmetic surgery, and advertised as such.
You realise the only laws relating to restrictions on freedoms around trans issues are being implemented by conservatives, right?
I sincerely mean this with no disrespect: while that sounds quite reasonable, it is thoroughly sophomoric and misinformed.
I think your impressions sound like very rational assessments that happen to be unfortunately based on bad underlying information.
Before I elaborate, would you mind telling me: what has been your personal first-hand experience meeting transgender people who are out to you? And what state do you live in?
Also, if you’re comfortable, what would you cite as a source of news and information that has guided your thinking on this issue?
Nothing about your statement is accurate.
Nothing about your statement is accurate.