The announcement comes the same day a White House official told NBC News that President Donald Trump would be attending the game.
My consolation is that these motherfuckers are not ready for how hard the pendulum will swing back.
It will be a proper wrecking ball.
I agree, what’s that timeline look like for you though? 4 years? 8 years? The “wait” is gonna fuckin’ suck.
Crossing my fingers for the first trans president, though.
Frankly I couldn’t tell you, but whatever the timeline is, I expect it will be much faster than before, as everything is.
There are a few very young politicians and new media commentators that know what’s up, and I think we should rally around them.
In the meantime, boycott as best as possible, build, develop and protect your community and funk up the authoritarian machinery at every turn possible.
The revolution will be federated.
Which young politicians and new media commentators would you point to? I need new people to follow.
“The revolution will be federated” fuck yeah
Legit question. What happens if every single black player just REFUSES to play at the superbowl?
Like, lets say you get opening kickoff, and it’s a white guy kicker. So he kicks the ball. It lands at about the 15 yard line. And just NOBODY even attempts anything. They all just stand there, pointing at the endzones.
And it’s both teams. I don’t know exact numbers, but I’d guess every teams roster is 90%+ black.
And since it’s both teams, you can’t call one side a forfeit.
I think they should. Embarass the NFL on the biggest stage. The game is Feb 9th. This would be the lead story Feb 10th. They either repaint it back onto the endzones DURING the game, reschedule the game, or the whole game is 0-0, with a clock running down for 3 hours.
What would the NFL do?
Fire all black people and somehow fault them for the whole thing.
At least if the rest of the country does not show solidarity and doesn’t organize a general strike - which is illegal by the way.
Not everything has to be drenched in politics at all times. And doing so is not a crime, aside to those cultist people, whether they are on the right or the left.
Wow. Some people here really want politics into everything.
Shocker: Not everyone wants that, 24/7. That is how you alienate average people and why trump got elected.
Not because people are racist, as this sort of thing comes off as a cult. Despite the obvious good intentions. Can’t be the only one that sees this. I mean, can’t be, since the orange man won. And I say this as a non-American looking in.
Is being against racism political?
Do you think people need to be annoyed or reminded of this 24/7? Why not put, Eat more vegetables? Or, Water Great! Or, Chew your food before swallowing to prevent choking? Point is that as well meaning as they are, the constant, propaganda style messaging is annoying. And counterproductive, unless you think you are special and the only one who wants to be, you know, not racist. It comes off as patronising. I mean, you may disagree but I am sure this is a big reason why it is being removed.
Why do you not tattoo end racism on your forehead? You are not being political, you just want to remind people of something most people actively do not want to be. Do it. Take a photo of it. Unless you are a racist, because why would you not do it, otherwise?
I look forward to you posting a photo of your forehead.
Do you think people need to be annoyed or reminded of this 24/7?
I’m really sorry that it may annoy you to be reminded of all the non-white folks who continue to struggle under a now increasingly racist nation. A nation, I might add, which is on an upward trajectory of bigotry and racism due to the current president, who I am 100% sure is directly or indirectly responsible for the removal of the slogan.
It was a visible, ongoing show of support from a wealthy, large organization, which carries impacts beyond what individual football fans may need to be reminded about.