The human species has topped 8 billion, with longer lifespans offsetting fewer births, but world population growth continues a long-term trend of slowing down, the US Census Bureau said Thursday.

The bureau estimates that the global population exceeded the threshold on 26 September, though the agency said to take this precise date with a grain of salt.

The United Nations estimated the number was passed 10 months earlier, having declared 22 November 2022, the “Day of 8 Billion”, the Census Bureau pointed out in a statement.

The discrepancy is due to countries counting people differently — or not at all. Many lack systems to record births and deaths. Some of the most populous countries, such as India and Nigeria, haven’t conducted censuses in over a decade, according to the bureau.

While world population growth remains brisk, growing from 6 billion to 8 billion since the turn of the millennium, the rate has slowed since doubling between 1960 and 2000.

    11 months ago

    Absolutely untrue and dangerous thinking, we’ve already done almost incomprehensible damage to what we call the ecosystem and biosphere, and we frame everything in human terms.

    Human activity is a major problem, and that problem scales tremendously with population. I’ve watched the natural world decline dramatically in my lifetime, the world that gave rise to human civilization doesn’t exist anymore and it’s bounty plundered.

    It used to be everyone understood human population was a problem, now it’s considered problematic to discuss, but it’s more true. I’ve watched the human population more than double, our biosphere is devastated, humans are just one species, and the world lies plundered and dying because humans think they should be allowed to live in major excess to the rest of the species in the world.