That makes a hell of a lot more sense than what I thought it was. But why’d they censor “Nazi”? I assumed it was a slur because why else would you censor an “n-word”?
Nazis, there’s a conspiracy theory that they built a secret compound there to do ??? (Nazis shit), fled to that place that is still undiscovered to that day so, obviously still working.
I didn’t know they would be equal to deep state.
The reality is that those cumslain trumptards are mistaking the former Soviet Vostok base with a secret nazi base.
Who never left Antarctica?!
I think it’s Nazis, based on the length of the word and placement of the tittle.
That makes a hell of a lot more sense than what I thought it was. But why’d they censor “Nazi”? I assumed it was a slur because why else would you censor an “n-word”?
Not sure why it was edited but seems right. I think the dot of the “i” made it outside the box there.
Yup. That’s the tittle.
Watch your language, we don’t want to tittle-ate the weans.
Nazis, there’s a conspiracy theory that they built a secret compound there to do ??? (Nazis shit), fled to that place that is still undiscovered to that day so, obviously still working.
I didn’t know they would be equal to deep state.
The reality is that those cumslain trumptards are mistaking the former Soviet Vostok base with a secret nazi base.
One of the n-words, it’s most likely the one you’re thinking of.
Why’d they put black people in antarctica? What?
How many fucking n-words are there?!
Not a one.
Nope. Nothing.
I heard there were Nine.