I taught mine to turn off the lights and it gets a treat for it. It knows the trigger for a job done is the light turning off. I think you might have a better chance of teaching the cat
Mine figured out how to use a door handle, and I didn’t even need to train him. He just wanted to be on the other side of the door, and made it happen.
As an electrical engineer, the very thought of attempting to explain physics to these people makes me want to take a shower.
I’d rather try and explain it to my cat. And I think I’d have the same chance of success.
I taught mine to turn off the lights and it gets a treat for it. It knows the trigger for a job done is the light turning off. I think you might have a better chance of teaching the cat
Mine figured out how to use a door handle, and I didn’t even need to train him. He just wanted to be on the other side of the door, and made it happen.