• 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I know that. The person I replied to suggested they are trying to wipe out all Palestinians. It’s absurd.

    The ICJ spelled out how a collection of cherry-picked allegations reported in the press if proven true in court, could constitute the crime of genocide.

    The unnattributed “reports” heavily relied upon in South Africa’s application are going to be a heavy lift to prove in court.

    • SulaymanF@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Do you honestly believe Netanyahu loves Palestinians and that the quotes in court were merely cherry-picked? His whole career is against the state of Palestine; it’s even on his damn campaign website and in the party charter. If you can’t be convinced of the blindingly obvious truth I can’t help you.

      You can try to attack Sourh Africa as much as you want but Israel’s military ally Egypt also signed onto the charges. So did a lot of NGOs and EU countries. If you want to live in denial then that’s on you, but don’t try lying to the rest of us.

      • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I don’t support Netanyahu at all. He’s a maniac and he must be tossed from office. I have a lot of hope he will be soon.

        South Africa’s complaint is dog shit. It features like 200 links to news articles as its proof. It’s anti semitic fan fiction. The only concern I had to the allegations is when did South Africa start doing Iran’s bidding?

        I’m just ballparking here, but those 200 links describe the same maybe 50 events. Of those 50 events, 35 say right on their face they are unconfirmed reports, of the other 15, 12 are completely blown out of proportion and exaggerated, stories of snipers shooting unarmed kids and so forth, or that any person in North Gaza was killed without a warning, or even now in this thread, the lie that Israel target civilians when in fact they were targeting Hamas commanders, the other 3 are legit claims.

        I’m not impressed by a handful of bone fide war crimes. It’s a war. Crimes are going to happen. Maybe try, I don’t know not starting a war? Especially if it’s one you cannot possibly win. One side is probably going to try and cover them up, and maybe if they can’t cover it up they will fire everyone involved and prosecute some of them. Not perfect, not even ideal.

        The other side, though, guaranteed, is committing war crimes, on purpose, as part of an intentional strategy, and the perpetrators are given cash prizes, funded by the Iranian Immamate and the Qatari monarchy. Everytime they step out without a uniform, war crimes. Every indiscriminate rocket they launch at civilians, war crimes. Every hostage, war crime. Mass shooting, war crime. Do I need to tell you the suicide bombings are also war crimes?

        Like wtf are you even talking about here?

        If Israel cannot prove up their claims in court, that will convince me otherwise. I’m sure they’re going to have no trouble for virtually all of the most sensational claims against them.