President Joe Biden was asked by a reporter in Israel on Wednesday what made him confident that the Israelis weren’t behind the explosion that killed hundreds at a Gaza hospital on Tuesday.

Biden responded that it was “the data I was shown by my Defense Department.”

Two U.S. officials told ABC News the Pentagon independently concluded the Gaza hospital blast was likely caused by an errant Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket that fell short of its target.

    11 months ago

    I doubt that Rishi Sunak speak correctly.

    This is the most global headline nơw.

    If you have a little deep heart inside, you can think twice. See what difference between two sides. Who is support Israel, the world’s most powerful militaries that every country don’t want take risk to war with. Then, who is support Palestine. There is many country but still behind.

    The latest statistics on the Israel-Palestine conflict as of October 19, 2023, are as follows:

    Gaza: Killed: At least 3,478 Injured: Over 12,065 Occupied West Bank: Killed: At least 69 Injured: More than 1,300 Israel: Killed: At least 1,403 Injured: At least 3,800

    These figures have been reported by the Palestinian health ministry, Palestine Red Crescent Society, and Israeli Medical Services. Please note that these numbers are subject to change as the situation evolves.

    And what the trembling moments 1 child killed in Gaza every hour. Precisely more than that. 😥

    When 12 of The Council drafted a statement calling for a ceasefire on Wednesday, but the statement was vetoed by the US. WHAT THE F***

    Millions of lives hang in the balance, including the 2.3 million civilians half of whom are children in Gaza civilians in Israel, and Jews and Muslims around the world.

    I can write more but let just world knows who is the really war criminal.

    You don’t have to be Muslim to support Palestine 🇵🇸 … you just have to be HUMAN … 😥

      11 months ago

      what can third parties do to reduce or eliminate Hamas’s hold on Palestine?

      I’m all for Palestinian rights, and the constant encroachment of fundamentalist settlements is a war crime that went unpunished for Israel - but Hamas’s charter is explicit, there’s no middle ground or two state solution, just the destruction of Israel.

      So how can third parties help the Palestinians in the one way that would make a significant difference in their QOL and interactions with Israel?

      Honest question.

          11 months ago

          so make Israel an easier target for the many countries that agree with Hamas and think it should be destroyed?

          pfft. did you even read the question? How the fuck does that stop Hamas, if anything it would embolden them. How does that help Palestinians wanting a future without a genocidal fuckwit club running their country?

                11 months ago

                BDS is the peaceful solution.

                You can stick your fingers in your ears and call me all the names you want. Smarter people than you or I have already given their opinions. Go look one up since you’re clearly not interested in discussion.

                Edit: Less than a day later

                The international community and particularly Israel’s allies, including EU member states, the US and the UK [must] impose a comprehensive arms embargo on all parties to the conflict given that serious violations amounting to crimes under international law are being committed. States must refrain from supplying Israel with arms and military materiel, including related technologies, parts and components, technical assistance, training, financial or other assistance. They should also call on states supplying arms to Palestinian armed groups to refrain from doing so

                    11 months ago

                    Israel can also reverse its decision to call a bunch of secular groups “terrorist organizations,” follow WHO recommendations, follow UN recommendations, turn food on in Gaza, start shipping water to Gaza, start providing electricity to Gaza, cease gunning down people in Gaza, stop blocking people from Gaza from leaving to Egypt, allow a UN investigatory force into the country to determine whether they were committing war crimes, allow neutral peacekeepers to mediate the violence between them and Gaza, have them accept massive sanctions if they kill even another Palestinian, demand an immediate rollback of all West Bank settlements, remove the ethnonationalist language from their laws, stop discriminating based on religion on their “right to return” policies, extend all rights that they give to Jews to everyone else in the West Bank and Gaza, pay reparations to everyone they have harmed in the West Bank and Gaza, publicly apologize for all extremist language used during and leading up to their terrorist attack on Gaza, military tribunals for all IDF soldiers found attacking unarmed Palestinians, etc.

      11 months ago

      You also can support Palestinian people and genuinely want their liberation, but have zero love for Hamas or IJ.