Dude, where do you think our food, housing, and consumer goods come from? Your cynicism has overshot so far you’re just denying the existence of the world around you.
People make products to sell to other people. When we build more homes than we have people to buy, prices go down.
When there is more capital in the market than things to buy, people put it into investments which raises prices on those investments.
1946 US wasn’t a post-apocalyptic hellscape because we only had a population of 140 million and 1 million of the most able bodied workers were killed/wounded.
Your cynicism has overshot so far
I’m not the one claiming a population decline is a death spiral.
Japan is still so overcrowded that there are train conductors who jobs is to physically smash the riders into the train because there isn’t enough room.
It is my opinion that like natural predator-prey-food cycles, when population declines enough that regular people can again afford to have children like they did after WW2 because wages were high and real estate was cheap, population will go up again.
Dude, where do you think our food, housing, and consumer goods come from? Your cynicism has overshot so far you’re just denying the existence of the world around you.
People make products to sell to other people. When we build more homes than we have people to buy, prices go down.
When there is more capital in the market than things to buy, people put it into investments which raises prices on those investments.
1946 US wasn’t a post-apocalyptic hellscape because we only had a population of 140 million and 1 million of the most able bodied workers were killed/wounded.
I’m not the one claiming a population decline is a death spiral.
Japan is still so overcrowded that there are train conductors who jobs is to physically smash the riders into the train because there isn’t enough room.
It is my opinion that like natural predator-prey-food cycles, when population declines enough that regular people can again afford to have children like they did after WW2 because wages were high and real estate was cheap, population will go up again.