• 6 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 6th, 2024


  • What’s the end goal here?

    they seek a declaration from the court that defendants are violating their duty under customary international law

    Here’s the nasty little secret about “international law” that people don’t seem to understand. The most powerful countries don’t have to abide by it. There are no mechanisms for enforcement. There aren’t world police who have international jurisdiction, there aren’t world courts that have international subpoena power. So the countries at the top can enforce it when it’s in their interest, and ignore it when it’s not. Them the rules of an anarchical system, “rules for thee not for me”

  • Yeah it’s all bundled together. Before the internet, there were established authorities on certain matters. Now any idiot can go on twitter and claim to be a MD and fool a bunch of other idiots into thinking vaccines are deadly and used for brainwashing.

    Like I said before, it’s the complete erosion of actual Truth

  • Yeah it can even be less sinister. The dumbest people can all hear someone of perceived authority (like someone on Rogan for example) who says “there’s actually no proof the world is round” and the idiots can be like “I knew it! I was right all along!” And they’ll never accept anything else because they were “proven right” that one time

    It’s the complete degradation of (capital T) Truth