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Cake day: February 12th, 2024


  • It’s a Friday. Because all that matters in any date with a year greater than four digits is the last four digits, and July 26, 2024 is today, and today is a Friday. 😊

    But, if I didn’t know July 26, 2024 were a Friday…

    Step 1)

    Starting numbers:

    • Century is a multiple of 400: 2
    • Century is 100 more than multiple of 400: 0
    • Century is 200 more than multiple of 400: 5
    • Century is 300 more than a multiple of 400: 3

    2024 is in the century of the 2000s. 2000 is a perfect multiple of 400, so the starting number there is 2.

    Step 2) 24 is a multiple of 12, specifically 12 x 2. Thus we add 2.

    Step 3) 24 is a perfect multiple of 12 with zero years in excess, so we can add 0.

    Step 4) There are no leap years in the 0 extra years beyond the closest multiple of 24, so we can add another 0.

    Step 5) The Doomsday for July is 7/11. July 26th is 15 days after July 11th. 15 mod 7 is 1, so we add 1.

    Step 6) 2 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 5

    Step 7)

    • 0 = Sunday (Noneday)
    • 1 = Monday (Oneday)
    • 2 = Tuesday (Twoday)
    • 3 = Wednesday (Threesday)
    • 4 = Thursday (Thorsday Foursday)
    • 5 = Friday (Fiveday)
    • 6 = Saturday (Sixaday)

    Our total was 5, so the date July 26th, 2024 (or any year with the last four digits 2024) is a Friday.

  • I can read UPC, ISBN, and EAN bar codes. Tear the numbers off the bottom, hand me the lines, and I can tell you the numbers you tore off. Also, if you give me any specific date on the Gregorian calendar (on or after October 15, 1582), I can tell you the day of the week it was or will be on.

    Finally…way less interesting…but I have a Master’s degree in math and have taught elementary, middle school, high school, dual credit, and college math classes.

  • Beverly Hill Cop: Axel F is a brand new movie and is a sequel to previous BHC movies.

    That being said, I agree with you. Nothing about this article indicates that he was being humorous. If this were a video interview, there would be context. So if he was being a goof with a print interviewer, then that interviewer should have described him as such:

    “He wasn’t a fan of ordinary life. ‘No one told me they loved me and I had to wait in line for coffee…it sucked!’, he quipped tongue-in-cheek about the experience.”

    Something like that. Not indicating the attempt at humor just makes him sound like an asshole.

    Plus, articles like this get run by a star’s publicist before they are printed. I am surprised Kevin Bacon’s PR person didn’t pick up on this.

  • I have been trying since January to get a teaching job in Portland (I live in Dallas) for the next academic year, and this week I was offered positions by two different school districts. This weekend, I have been working out which job to go with, I think I’mma go with the one that pays a little more, might be able to offer funds to offset relocation costs, and has less trafficky access to downtown and Vancouver (I have friends in North Portland and Vancouver.

    So yeah…got that figured out; tomorrow I’ll be looking for an apartment, taking my kids to Terry Black’s for some world-class barbecue before Texas is forever in my rear-view mirror, doing some packing, and playing some THPS 1+2.

  • Do cool shit, and be awesome. Living well is the best way to get over the life you you wanted but will never be. The one constant in your entire life is you, so the relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you’ll ever have.

    So take a solo road trip. See that movie in the theater that you heard was great. Treat yourself to a nice dinner at that fusion place you were wanting to check out. Read and learn about the world. Take a class in that language you wanted to learn. Bake yourself fancy treats. Take on a new hobby. Make art.

    To be the kind of person others will find awesome, you have to first become that person; in so doing, the pain of losing that ideal life you are mourning will slowly fade. It will never vanish completely, but over time the pain will become minimal, like rediscovering a tiny paper cut on your finger that you’d forgotten about.

  • SeveralAnts is upset that eight copy-paste comments of theirs were removed by a mod from one comment section on !worldnews, each containing the exact same misinformation which implied that Mexican drug cartels had 37 presidential candidates assassinated in order to leave one lone candidate, a Jewish leftist scientist, as the cartels’ preferred candidate. This is a lie. While a few dozen Mexican politicians have been assassinated this election cycle, none of them were presidential candidates.

    What SeveralAnts is upset about is that their attempts at spreading lies in order to promote their anti-leftist agenda failed. To that, I say to them good fucking riddance. Go back to Twixxer.

  • Your situation is different from that of the person to whom you are replying. SeveralAnts is upset that eight copy-paste comments of theirs were removed by a mod from one comment section on !worldnews, each containing the exact same misinformation which implied that Mexican drug cartels had 37 presidential candidates assassinated in order to leave one lone candidate, a Jewish leftist scientist, as the cartels’ preferred candidate. This is a lie. While a few dozen Mexican politicians have been assassinated this election cycle, none of them were presidential candidates.

    What SeveralAnts is upset about is that their attempts at spreading lies in order to promote their anti-leftist agenda failed. To that, I say good fucking riddance. Go back to Twixxer.