• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Please tell me you actually read past the second paragraph.

    Padme: You read past the second paragraph, right…?

    Golly, it’s almost like that article proves my point. Thank you.

    Here let me do you one better.

    Approximately 97.1% of female victims of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner had only male perpetrators, whereas 2.1% had only female perpetrators (data not shown).


    Overall, about 2 in 3 women have reported being victims while around 1/3 of men have. So let me just drive this point home for your noggin: The vast majority of victims of rape, physical violence, or stalking are women, and the vast majority of perpetrators are men. End of story. That’s all she wrote.

    Meanwhile, bisexual women have the greatest rates of abuse than either lesbian or heterosexual women by a large margin.

    By the way, just going to drop a hint: Just because you identify as lesbian now or are in a lesbian relationship now doesn’t mean you were always lesbian and always had women partners… Duh. In fact, many women who come out of abuse tend to find comfort in other women. Turns out, these studies don’t account for that little tidbit.

  • I’ve thus far seen ZERO — 0 — Nada — Null — Zilch Facts presented.

    … Or wait, did it ever dawn on you that that still counts as being a female victim…? Or did it ever dawn on you that data on gay couples is far more sparse than the troves of data on what make up heterosexual relationships?

    … And are you going to sit there and seriously tell me that you couldn’t grasp the fact that “black on black” violence argument is a trope raised by objective racists to skirt the reality of racial discrimination?

    It is honestly remarkable that you believe this is some kind of gotcha. Amateur shit, really. Do better.

  • Universally every aspect from risk of being murdered to rape to domestic abuse to pregnancy/abortion — women face massive fucking challenges disproportionate to men… JUST like minorities face disproportionate challenges to my fellow white males.

    So I’m a bit surprised when I see an argument of, “Your comments here an example of double standard” because I don’t think you’d take too keenly to saying that White Lives Matters is just as worthy of respect and having community here as Black Lives Matter … And if you do, well then I want nothing to do with you.

    The logic underpinning these two subjects is identical. Hence the cognitive dissonance.

  • Which, I mean, they are:

    Victim/Perpetrator adisaggregation reveals a large disparity in the shares of male and female victims of homicide committed by intimate partners or other family members: 36% male versus 64% female victims. Women also bear the greatest burden in terms of intimate partner violence.

    Source: United Nations Global Study on Homicide: Gender-related killing of women and girls

    Domestic violence is a serious and challenging public health problem. Approximately 1 in 3 women and 1 in 10 men 18 years of age or older experience domestic violence. Annually, domestic violence is responsible for over 1500 deaths in the United States

    According to the CDC, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will experience physical violence by their intimate partner at some point during their lifetimes. About 1 in 3 women and nearly 1 in 6 men experience some form of sexual violence during their lifetimes. Intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and stalking are high, with intimate partner violence occurring in over 10 million people each year.

    One in 6 women and 1 in 19 men have experienced stalking during their lifetimes. The majority are stalked by someone they know. An intimate partner stalks about 6 in 10 female victims and 4 in 10 male victims.

    At least 5 million acts of domestic violence occur annually to women aged 18 years and older, with over 3 million involving men. While most events are minor, for example grabbing, shoving, pushing, slapping, and hitting, serious and sometimes fatal injuries do occur. Approximately 1.5 million intimate partner female rapes and physical assaults are perpetrated annually, and approximately 800,000 male assaults occur. About 1 in 5 women have experienced completed or attempted rape at some point in their lives. About 1% to 2% of men have experienced completed or attempted rape.


    That’s not to downplay male victimization incidents, but let’s also not pretend the scale is the same.

  • I think I get what you’re saying but let’s be honest in that a larger guy half the time will just need an XL T-shirt. The sizes of these areas for merchandise are relative to consumer demands and consumer volume by sex. As someone who worked at Target for a couple of years back in the day, yes, far more women shop there. And the style of dressing for women has always been more diverse.

    With respect to the mannequins, there seems to be a difference in the perception of average body types in reflection based on the gender. Perhaps this is more a trait of conservative men, but no matter how much of a beer belly they have, they seem to want to be perceived like they’re macho manly six-pack men. Marketing plays to that. On the flip-side, it has become trendy to give comfort to women who – by far – receive far more bullying over being large both online and offline. No doubt as a white male I feel fucking privileged by contrast of what my sisters or wife have gone through at times in their lives.