• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • It is half okay, but only if they are not getting paid to screw up your results. It is a coup against democracy where freedom of information is freedom of the press and is an entire fundamental pillar of democracy. Google’s entire business model has always been neo feudalism. A web crawler and search engine is like a library, it must be neutral, objective, and publicly funded as a non profit. Much the same with YT, it is our digital public commons and the most efficient form for information sharing in the primary form of human communication.

  • It is not super common to impregnate on first offense, especially if you were her first child. You can count the days backwards from your birthday to see when it happened. If you were the first child, you may have been a day or few late.

    Growing up, I found it funny how many of my friends happened to be born in the first week of September… Happy New Years. There is often, not always, but often some correlated reason why they were free to screw around too much.

  • I’m actually using Emacs and messing with both the C++ and JSON from the FOSS game Cataclysm DDA while compiling and hacking around. I’m also working on integrating AI with llama.cpp into Emacs. I’ve never been able to break into the whole IDE space effectively. I can easily mess with VSC and other easy stalkerware options, but when I actually watch my internet logs, I refuse to accept that kind of traffic and connections as normal.

  • The modern version is based on capacitive touch. The older versions with the stylus required were mostly resistive where there were two layer matrices in X and Y directions and the crossed resistive connections are calculated. There was also an in between rarer version of the touch screen that was optically driven. These require a special stylus that technically does not need to make physical contact to work, (it was crap compared to capacitive touch).

    If you were around back in the day of rabbit ears and television or had a radio that would only work well when you were in just the right spot in the room while you held your tongue at the right angle, that is basically the same principal of capacitive touch. Your body’s electrical properties are more pronounced at higher frequencies and this effect is used to detect where changes are happening on an X/Y matrix.

    The actual connections are a tin oxide coating on the glass that is conductive but so thin that it is optically clear. Ben on Applied Science on YT has shared some videos where he uses this same coating technique for various projects.

    1. 1 Egg + 1 white w/pico & dry bran toast, coffee
    2. my homemade fried rice, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, ~4oz smoked beef roast, w/Hong Kong sauce corn on the cob and water
    3. one avocado with pico in a course guacamole with some tortilla chips and a beer

    That’s pretty much every day eats for me. Sometimes I skip the eggs for just toast. Sometimes I skip the beer for water. Lunch is either chicken or beef, is mostly rice, and is mostly a large bake I do where everything for 8-14 days is cooked at one time and I reheat daily. It is good enough to eat daily. My techniques are the result of a couple of years of tweaking.

  • Lenovo Thinkpad X200t by your intended meaning. I don’t know if my Meade ETX-60 is older… might be… I haven’t checked date codes or anything, but I have several microprocessors and discrete logic chips for breadboarding. Probably, the oldest is a tossup between Z80, 6502, 8088, 6800, 68k, or some CD4000 series logic. Maybe a few of my 74xx chips are older. I have a little bench power supply that was made in the 50’s somewhere in my closet. I have a Wander bike my family put in storage that is from the 40’s or early 50’s.

  • Instance federation is handled by the Admin of the instance you’re on. This is the first I’ve heard of an app bypassing this. It is an interesting idea. However, the way they were doing the details must have been really complicated.

    The Lemmy instances have transporter bots that run in the background between instances. These are configurable to regulate the traffic volume and update rate between instances and user interaction. Instance Admins can disconnect these bots between any instances they do not wish to connect to for various reasons. As of around a year ago (last time I looked into the details), when a community defederates and stops these bots it can’t alter any previously synchronized data. So communities and previous posts/comments will be visible. Due to the lack of any transportation bots, you won’t see any new content posted from the foreign instance. You will see any content posted by yourself or other users to this foreign community from your home instance, and this will look normal from the home instance you posted on. However this data is never synchronized so it is only visible on your home instance. It will not be visible to any other instance regardless of their federation.

    For an app to bypass federation like this, the user likely wouldn’t know the underlying functionality of federation and might be interacting in a lot of places where their interactions are not visible to others. The app would need to use a list of the instances and scrape or do something unusual outside of the instance server to bypass how Lemmy was designed as far as I’m aware. Speculatively, maybe that was the thing causing so many server connection issues over the last few months.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldOPtoYou Should Know@lemmy.worldYSK how to eBay - in depth
    2 months ago

    Worst is that they dangle(d /not sure if they still do) a lower tier for accounts in good standing for a certain amount of time. I had an aced account but every time I was close to the supposed tier I got some psycho customer that would find nonsense to complain about and just stop me from qualifying.

    In truth it is corruption at every level. Taxes are stupid high for a modern business model. Like if a business can exist on 25% margins what the hell am I paying 10% more for. I can’t pass that shit on and it is taxing used goods where the government has done absolutely nothing to justify the cost, it is just a criminal tariff to destroy social mobility as far as I’m concerned. Shipping prices are ridiculous for what they are doing, and largely inefficient. Then eBay doesn’t do very much at all in terms of actual support. It is like reddit where almost everything they are working on is absolute trash while the real core service is neglected and misunderstood. They should be cutting all of their fees to a third of what they are and push all corporate airhead plans and projects into their own business spaces as independent business like operations funded by foolish investors. Screw the design prettiness and seasonal junk; just make it fiercely efficient and bulletproof so that selling on eBay is not even noticeable on the bottom line. PayPal is like 3 times as much as a bad terminal transaction processor too.

  • The term used in retail is Keystone. That means 50% profit margin. It is the benchmark. In cycling retail, few products are proper keystone margins. The issue is that keystone bumps the overburden losses so that the shop comes out to ~30%-35% actual margins. Even in a year round market for cycling, this will barely pay the rent and salaries for a sub par, maybe what I could call B-class location. Most bike shops go out of business within a decade because the margins are too thin. Any shop that lasts longer is either a write off hobby business or has an excellent bike service and maintenance business for low end junk only. The margins are too thin in bikes to make up for the overburden. I learned to specialize in overburden management. This is why I did eBay. I also sold customer trade in bikes and occasional strait consignments. Keystone is the secret to sustainable retail.

    The reason retail struggles right now is because online sellers do not have skilled sales staff labor or retail space rent to deal with. It may be possible to run a business on at little as 25%-30% margins in some cases. You certainly won’t get someone like me doing the job though.

    I can’t say how viable it would be to do eBay as a business. It takes a lot of space and organization between staging listings, storing listed items, shipping sold items as soon as payment clears, and a photo studio setup. There is a ton of time involved with listings and it is not really possible to make that into a 9-5 job easily. I answered questions and stuff right away during my waking hours. I doubt you could even find someone that could know and understand products like that as an employee. You won’t get a ton of consignments from most people. It is hard for a person to want to get rid of their bike and deal with the numbers in practice.

    Let’s say you bring me your 3 year old BMC carbon road bike you paid way too much for and spent $3k5 on new. I look up the sold history for your exact bike and find 3 have sold for $850, $925, and $1225. You don’t know anything about how I’m using sold history, and you looked up your bike on eBay already. You found 10 bikes, of which 3 were sawn into pieces and smashed with a sledgehammer while they were listed for $50 over what you paid 3 years ago for your new bike. Now I have to explain why those listings were created by mental patients in a padded room somewhere. I have to show you that I can only expect to get the average sold history price for your stuff because you race and your 3 years is like a club rider’s decade and is beat to hell. Now I have to tell you what I can offer you. The final offer is $360. Do you take that offer for the bike you paid $3k5 for just 3 years ago? Most people can’t stomach that kind of offer. However that is accounting for all of the fees combined that I must pay other businesses (40%), then that is 40% of the remaining for me to do a massive amount of work to photograph and carefully pack the bike for shipping. I’m taking all of the variable risk and in most cases not getting adequate pay for my time commitments.

    In a shop environment, as the Buyer, I was like one of the owners. I could assign employees or schedule them to do whatever I wished. I utilized them to do a lot of the menial work while I managed and oversaw the details on the side. Overall eBay was just a tool for me to manage the inventory of all of my shops. I bought many little eeww and awww flashy products people like to look at but will never purchase specifically because I could easily offload them later on eBay for cost. Like that Felt IA I mentioned in the original post, one of the owners got to ride it for a season. That was a 30% margin purchase. There was no chance I was selling a $14,900 bike out of my stores in an area without many high profile triathlon events. It was just eye candy. I marketed it as a rental bike too just for kicks and giggles, but no one bit that bait. That was a stupid expensive bike at the time and I had to order it well in advance. I sold a ton of other lower end triathlon bikes though and I got a good deal on a size run from Felt and Orbea. That anchor brought people into the store. The bike cost me $10,430 which was hard on my budget for highest end but there wasn’t anything spectacular in Road bikes in the same season, and that is only like 3 high end bikes I sacrificed. I think I sold the wheels for somewhere north of $1500 shortly thereafter. So in the end I managed to pull over cost… technically, but after you factor all eBay fees I actually lost around $3,770 to my advertising and happy owner in a hobby business budget.

    In my experience, eBay is too expensive in total for what they offer and the support they give. You’ll find yourself in a pawnshop like business model and you’ll likely need a pawn license if you want to do it long term and be protected. One has to ask why the person is willing to take so little for such high end merchandise in the first place instead of trying to sell it themselves or just giving it away to someone where the act has more useful value.

    That is just my take. I would consider it much more viable at a 20% total margin for all overhead from taxes to shipping and listings. At 30% it probably isn’t long term sustainable. At the 40% I experienced, this is the reason eBay goes to massive lengths to obfuscate the total fees involved with selling on the platform. They do not want you to know this number even if you sell a ton of stuff on there. It is hard to track all of it in detail.

  • I'm in the USA. Southern California more specifically.

    All shipping insurance offered by logistics carriers in the USA is from a 3rd party company. Read the fine print and you’ll discover this detail.

    No, you do not use any kind of reserve price. The listing must clearly show that there are no catches or caveats whatsoever. You must have the confidence and nerve to make a fully transparent commitment. This is where my perspective as a Buyer is driving me to keep an overview mindset focused on the big picture statistics where anomalies are not relevant to overall results even when stuff is expensive and scary. Seriously, you probably have no idea how nerve-racking it is to spend millions of dollars on brick and mortar preseason orders knowing that, if you get it wrong, the whole business could easily fail. In those situations, you rely on your statistics and niche familiarity. I had a few items that did not perform as well as I would have liked, but not by more than 15%-20% at most. The majority of these were in February. February is by far the worst month for eBay auctions. The post holiday slump, Valentine’s day, and the Super bowl are massive killers of free cash on the shortest month too. Collectively, my experience and pattern recognition about the Sunday following the 15th of the month is largely from noting auction performance. I tried a ton of stuff to sell on different days and times. Like eBay will publish the traffic volume on the website as higher during different times, but no one is actually taking a $4k purchase seriously when they are screwing around in the office after 3 pm on a Thursday.

    eBay does not keep sold data available for more than 60 days publicly. At the time, I brute force tracked all bicycle sales on eBay using a spreadsheet when I did research. So if I was given a bike to consign, I uses all of my available data to come up with an average sold history for similar items by age, wear, size, category, etc. I also tracked the seller and quality of the listing description and photos. Once I had a solid number for an established sold price, I subtracted 40% of that value for all eBay fees, then 40% of the remaining amount was for my effort. I promised or directly paid out/(shop credited) to the item owner for the remaining value. So the variability was actually coming out of my pocket and margin. When I said that a well documented and photographed listing was worth 10%-15% more than the average sold history, and how I did listings that were so detailed, - this was no joke and built into the business model as my primary motivator. Any margin I made above the sold history average went into my pocket.

    Ultimately, eBay is charging too much overall to make this a viable consignment business to survive on its own. It works for something like the overburden losses for a retail chain at the scale we were running.

    I also have a very deep understanding of the bicycle market, so I simply knew what would not sell with auctions based on the volume that the item represents inside the market. Like selling a high end velodrome track bike in a no reserve eBay auction would be insane. There are only a dozen or so velodromes in the USA and only one that is a world class indoor drome in Los Angeles from the 1984 Olympics. There are maybe 300-500 serious track riders in the country; of those maybe 60-100 that will fit the size; of those maybe 6-10 that need a new ride; of those maybe 1-2 that occasionally browse eBay. The odds of getting 3-5 serious bidders on that listing are pretty much nil, so that can only go up as a Buy it Now listing. It is simply the wrong market for the item. You would see this too as an artifact of no sold history for the item. My overall intuition and abstraction abilities play a role in my success in this area. If all of this is hard to follow, you’ll likely struggle with my techniques. I am always at this level of analysis and detail. I enjoy it, but it comes natural for me. I don’t have to focus to abstract and make sense of intuitive statistics that are ballpark enough to work out.

    Hopefully that makes sense and helps with perspective.