• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023


  • It’s not entirely on you. Accusing you of mansplaining is not cool, she should’ve just said something like “i’m sharing this because I’m looking for emotional support, not solutions, so please stop trying to solve my problems when I’m just venting”.

    In a sense, how people react to having problems shared with them is a cultural difference, neither is right or wrong but they can be jarring and confusing when you’re used to one culture but interact with a different one. But it’s not fair to just assume the other culture is acting in bad faith

  • iiGxC@slrpnk.nettoFunny@sh.itjust.worksMeat?
    2 months ago

    I get what you’re saying.

    Have you seen don’t fuck with cats? I haven’t, but from what I understand it’s a guy abusing kittens and posting it online, so people doxx him and go to great lengths to bring him to justice. Would you bait those people? Because I have a way lighter reaction than them to orders of magnitudes more animal abuse

  • iiGxC@slrpnk.nettoFunny@sh.itjust.worksMeat?
    2 months ago

    I don’t think people who disagree with me are psychopaths. I think that given enough time and discussion I could convince most people that based on their own principles, veganism is the right thing to do. On the other hand, people who don’t give a fuck about how they affect others, would not be sympathetic to any line of reasoning I could think of. That’s all I was trying to say there

  • iiGxC@slrpnk.nettoFunny@sh.itjust.worksMeat?
    2 months ago

    Maybe your point would stand if humans had been bred to massively over-produce milk and had their babies taken from them so even more milk could be taken from them for profit and they had no agency in how their life went, from being bred in captivity and then impregnated in order to cause them to produce more milk to being killed when they stop producing milk.

    This is a stupid take, even for you

  • iiGxC@slrpnk.nettoFunny@sh.itjust.worksMeat?
    2 months ago

    No, veganism as a conclusion is a combination of facts and basic moral understanding, principles like “live and let live”, “do no harm”, and the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do to you. If you’re a psychopath who doesn’t care how much harm, death, and suffering is caused in order to get sensory pleasure, I probably can’t convince you why veganism is worthwhile

  • iiGxC@slrpnk.nettoFunny@sh.itjust.worksMeat?
    2 months ago

    The difference between veganism and religion is that one is based on facts, the other is not.

    • It’s true that other species of animals are sentient, they have nervous systems similar enough to ours that we know they can feel pleasure and pain.
    • It’s true that we kill billions of them per year.
    • It’s true that the vast majority of them are factory farmed (74% worldwide, 99% in the US).
    • It’s true that humans at all stages of life can thrive on a properly planned vegan diet, according to most major health organizations.
    • It’s true that animal agriculture is extremely inefficient and loses a lot of calories from crops being put towards feeding animals (see: trophic levels)
    • It’s true that animal agriculture has a huge impact on the environment compared to feeding crops directly to humans.

    so get out of here with that nonsense that veganism is religious zealotry. I don’t have time to cite a source for each point, but they’re all super easily verified. Veganism is looking at the impact of your choices with clear eyes and choosing compassion over personal pleasure. It’s choosing to live and let live, rather than forcing death and misery on other species because you like the taste of their flesh and secretions.

  • The replacement rate isn’t static. It depends on both how many people exist and how many people are having babies and how many babies they’re having. If the total number of babies per year stays constant, then whether it’s below or above the replacement rate depends on the size of the population. So for a hyper simplified example, if 100 babies are born per yer, that’s below replacement for a population of 110, but above replacement for a population of 90, but overall the population size will trend towards 100. Obviously real life is way more complicated, but even if the birth rate is low now, it’s far more likely we’re just moving towards a different population size, not a population of zero

  • If you try mushrooms (mdma too, but it’s not as risky afaik) please please please make sure to have trusted friend/trip sitter with you. It’s extremely rare, but truly bad trips that leave real psychological damage can happen, and having a friend or someone you trust to help you through it can be the difference between life and death, or serious harm vs not. It’s an extremely powerful compound that can bring tremendous healing, and the majority of the time it does, and even when it’s difficult there’s almost always a lesson or something to be learned if you embrace and explore the difficulty with love, but it does deserve respect and to say “they’re not dangerous in any significant way” is not entirely true. For most people most of the time it is true, but that .01% of the time it’s not it can be very bad, and like I said having a trusted, sober friend help you through can make all the difference.