Avatar is a lemming in bed because this account wasn’t intended to be used except for creating communities… and then my instance announced it was closing.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Maybe not Linux per se, but certainly learning how to write scripts and other technical stuff, to automate boring tasks or alert me of things, or writing applications to do things I need, has been a massive time saver - but also a time waster as I enjoy it, and probably spend longer on these things than the amount of time they’ve saved.

    And as footnote, it’s always easier to do this stuff on Linux than Windows… plus you can stick things on a Pi so it’s cheap and quiet.

  • A Jellycat Dexter. So adorable but silly expensive for a cuddly thing (I was rewarding myself after having to go into hospital for an invasive test).

    When I was growing up, if I wanted anything it was, “do you need it?”. This was drilled into me so much I feel a bit guilty for buying random things even though I can afford them, and I always think long and hard about purchases very rarely buying anything on impulse. Usually I see something and have to go back (weeks) later to buy it after it has been playing on my mind.

  • Yeah, same. I used to care about my job, but after lots of changes it appears that my opinion isn’t worth much any more, and whatever I do there’s one particular person who constantly complains that they had to fix something I did (yet doesn’t tell me at the time, I always find this out later during a rant/comment), or that I haven’t done something which is apparently vitally important simply because he decrees it so, and if I try to improve things that’s wrong too (despite that he seems to get away with “improving” things with no comeback and no fights - which has previously meant my responsibilities are no longer mine). Basically he’s the bane of my working life at the moment and he isn’t even management. So now I’m done with caring and just try to stick to stuff I do which either nobody else wants to do or nobody else knows much about, and if that doesn’t fill up much of my day so be it. At least that’s not going to be constantly questioned and it looks like I’m still valuable.