Ehh, I mean yeah I get what you mean, but guns are still pretty useful tools (if not exactly pleasant.) US gun fetishism is way off the deep end, but we’re still pretty far from “bluetooth smart diaper” territory
Guns are inanimate.
People who do dumb shit like this are dumb.
And in your opinion, how could I have better represented someone test firing a gun in their own goddamn hand?
Wait, you’re right. After your reply I think “moron” was way too lenient of me.
Please tell me you weren’t wearing eye or ear protection, that’d make this even better.
Yeah, using the wrong kind of filament accidentally is understandable and doesn’t say anything about anyone’s intelligence.
Takes a real moron to test fire a brand new experimental gun in their hand, and then cry about it and blame their friend when it inevitably goes sideways
Oh I wish it was. Eg. here in Finland sharing movies etc. among friends or downloading them off the internet used to be legal as long as you weren’t doing it for profit or distributing stuff to a huge audience, but that changed in 2006 because the new EU Copyright Directive required it, and that directive was hugely influenced by the likes of WIPO.
Governments rarely realize anything related to IP that the copyright mafia doesn’t spoon-feed them, unfortunately.
… what
Not nearly as horrifying as advertised
Which naturally means it’s impossible for it to be an issue for literally anybody else anywhere at any time
And no, before some dumb fuck has any bright ideas, I’m not saying this will be an issue for everybody, just that it’s absolutely fucking idiotic to pretend it’s never an issue.
It’s almost like many conservatives are psychopaths who are literally incapable of emotions (well, other than hatred anyhow.)
Oh wait, they are:
We found eleven significant correlations between conservative [Moral Intuition Survey] judgments and the Dark Triad – [narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy,] all at significance level of p<.00001 – and no significant correlations between liberal [Moral Intuition Survey] judgments and the Dark Triad. We believe that these results raise provocative moral questions about the personality bases of moral judgments. In particular, we propose that because the Short-D3 measures three “dark and antisocial” personality traits, our results raise some prima facie worries about the moral justification of some conservative moral judgments
I ran a follow-up study testing the Dark Triad against conservative and liberal judgments on 15 additional moral issues. The new issues examined include illegal immigration, abortion, the teaching of “intelligent design” in public schools, the use of waterboarding and other “enhanced interrogation techniques” in the war on terrorism, laws defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and environmentalism. 1154 participants […] Twenty-two significant correlations were observed between “conservative” judgments and the Dark Triad (all of which were significant past a Bonferonni-corrected significance threshold of p = .0008), compared to seven significant correlations between Dark Triad and “liberal” judgments (only one of which was significant past p = .0008).
In the present research (N = 675), we focus on the relationship between the dark side of human personality and political orientation and extremism, respectively, in the course of a presidential election where the two candidates represent either left-wing or right-wing political policies. Narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and everyday sadism were associated with right-wing political orientation, whereas narcissism and psychopathy were associated with political extremism. Moreover, the relationships between personality and right-wing political orientation and extremism, respectively, were relatively independent from each other.
I got smoked out of a company I helped found because I had health issues, even though I was still capable of doing my job. It’s illegal to fire people for health issues here, but it’s not like firing someone is the only way to get rid of them.
Everybody who’s telling you you can legally use these appointments is probably completely correct (depending on your jurisdiction). Whether the legality actually matters is another thing entirely.
Not American, but excellent try anyhow.
Oh you sweet summer child
Increasing success through lowering expectations
Heh I picked this habit up from a friend of mine who’s actually also on Lemmy, so there’s at least two of us here who use weird food-based insults (?). If you say something a bit silly in a comment you might still get your chance!
Ugh, that sucks.
It’s also complete bullshit, see the other comments on this post.
My dearly beloved ham casserole, I don’t think going to the gym was the toxic trait here.
Weird API. Returning the text for deleted comments and then expecting clients to redact it seems highly silly