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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • Correct me if I’m wrong, but the only reason I know of for cis kids to use puberty blockers is as a measure against the condition precocious puberty, which basically means the body is going into puberty too soon.

    If that’s correct, then this isn’t really a good argument, because using drugs to delay premature puberty until its ‘normal time’ is very different from delaying ‘normal time’ puberty to a future ‘late time’–the latter moves the body into an abnormal state, while the former movies out out of one.

    Isn’t that kind of like arguing that because we’ve been using blood thinners successfully for a long time (leaving out that it’s used primary on people who are prone to blood clots to treat that condition), that there’s definitely no harm in prescribing blood thinners to people with regular blood?

  • So gender dysphoria is not a thing then?

    Gender dysphoria is part and parcel of a “desire to be the opposite sex”. Seems pretty obvious that such a desire can’t manifest without dysphoria about one’s sex being present.

    So…I have no idea why you would think I was claiming gender dysphoria isn’t a thing. It obviously is.

    It’s important because wanting to be the opposite sex “sometimes to often” is an entirely different beast from being gender confused. Seems you don’t even have a base understanding of what I’m talking about, lol.

    You’re doing the same semantic straw-grasping. Confusion is uncertainty. Until/unless that desire to be the opposite sex becomes either “always” or “never”, that is, objectively, a state of confusion.

    Is it also fair to lump gender confusion with being transgender, and then make the conclusion that “being trans is just a phase”?

    Well, if there is anything to criticize the original article (the one this linked article is talking about, I mean) for, it’s the fact that those children who have those feelings, and then no longer do in adulthood, should be considered never to have been trans in the first place.

    It would have been more accurate for it to say instead “most children who experience the desire to be the opposite sex are not actually trans”.

    Do you disagree with this?

    If a child said they wanted to be the opposite sex, and then as an adult said they did not, it doesn’t mean they ever were transgender, or changed back from being transgender. It’s an entirely different thing altogether.

    It seems we are in fact in agreement on this, after all, as I basically wrote the exact same thing before I got to this part of your comment.

  • Being transgender is a constant and persistent condition.

    Yes. The whole point is to show that only a small minority of children who exhibit the hallmark ‘sign’ of being transgender, actually are.

    That 2-3% of adults still feeling those same desires consistently, are obviously transgender.

    And “gender confusion” isn’t a fair description. It’s basically saying “they are wrong about what they’re feeling”.

    No, you’re imbuing meaning that isn’t there, by conflating confusion with incorrectness. Being confused is not the same as being wrong. Confusion means uncertainty–not being sure of what’s true about yourself is definitely not the same as being wrong (what are you even wrong about? If you’re currently “confused”, then you have not reached a conclusion yet, and you have to do that before you can be correct or incorrect).

  • Unfortunately, the headline fails a fact check: the study was not about transgender individuals, but rather on people who sometimes express dissatisfaction with their sex for a variety of reasons entirely unrelated to being transgender.

    Yeah, the author is making that up though, drawing conclusion based on their own biases. The question is not “do you feel dissatisfied with your sex”. It’s asking, directly, about the surveyed’s desire to be the opposite sex. Which is literally what it means to be transgender.

    The second quote is just semantic straw-grasping “the study didn’t use the literal words ‘gender confused’!”

    Please. It is completely fair to describe “desire to be the opposite sex” as gender confusion, especially in years of childhood where one’s sense of self is in active development.