
  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I think you are either trolling or you fundamentally don’t understand, what you’re talking about.

    Nothing is obfuscated. You can download each and every code file, audit it, and build the binaries from exactly that code. You can even compare the binaries to the ones provided by major distros thanks to reproducible builds.

    Just because you don’t understand code, doesn’t mean it’s obfuscated. Following that logic, even a loaf of bread is “obfuscated” because you don’t understand sour dough.

  • You know, I have a hunch that neofascists and neonazis are not good people.

    Seriously though, we’ve had the same discussion in the 80s about the Wehrmacht (“Wehrmachtsausstellung”) and “it wasn’t all bad!” is almost a meme at this point. And we will have the same discussion again very soon. Maybe some of the Jews actually were bad people and totally deserved their fate?

    These are fascists. If there is any idea, person, historical period that reinforces their self-victimizing superiority complex, they will take it. And they will do what every conservative thinker does: stop thinking if the current result fits your ideology.

  • Thing is, these guys have a very narrow view on “environment”, but the conflict here is emblematic of basically everything regarding protection of nature.

    Greenpeace is under the (not completely unfounded) impression, that every new technology is a wedge to slowly push the world towards doom. Just one more lane. Just one more gene changed. And so on. They are completely uncompromising, which is understandable to a certain degree.

    However, the result is that perfect is the enemy of the good. Here in Germany we have conflicts between people who want to save the planet by installing wind turbines and people who want to save the local fauna by not installing wind turbines. The latter do have a point if you’re very myopic, but they don’t (want to) see that their actions will likely kill the entire species, not just a few individuals.

  • Absolute non-story.

    Every sensible government has recommendations like this. Not because of some evil conspiracy or impending doom, but simply because natural disasters sometimes happen.

    Sometimes, there’s a flood and supermarkets can’t be stocked. You don’t want food riots just because baked beans or out of stock for a week.

    It’s astounding to me how many people (including op) lose their shit, just because their government reminds them, that sometimes bad things happen. A mandatory health insurance doesn’t mean government goons will go around and break your legs.