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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • If a friend invited me over and they launched into an unsolicited cooking lesson, I would think they are a pretentious twat, lol. There’s always context of course, but I’m not looking for friends who push their knowledge on me without my invitation.

    Mutual interests, or expressed interest to learn more in either direction, groovy. One way info dumping, nope.

    Listen I brew beer. It can get kinda repetitive and boring. Sometimes I invite friends over to keep me company and I don’t lecture on sanitization and chemistry because that’s not what they came for. The occasional friend does want to learn about brewing, they express that wish, and then I explain some things to them. Some friendships are good for the former, some for the latter, and it’s on you to navigate which is which.

  • In the depth of pandemic lockdown, after my roommate moved out to return closer to family, I was in my house alone for a month straight. One day I hear the tea kettle whistling on the stove.

    It was the middle of summer, I hadn’t made tea in weeks. Maybe I bumped the stove control? But there shouldn’t have been any water in the kettle. And I hadn’t been in my kitchen for over an hour and it wouldn’t have taken that long for the water to boil had I put it on and just forgotten about it somehow. I keep my doors locked.

    Idk, the only thing I can think of is the isolation really got to me that day, I put the kettle on and completely forgot I had done it five minutes later.

  • Again, you don’t seem to be familiar with the difference between an element and a compound and how that relates to alchemy. Best wishes on your journey of learning, I think I’m done now. If you want to learn more, I suggest you find some YouTube videos on chemistry or books or whatever your preferred learning medium is.

  • It’s elements (atoms) that have inherent properties such as magnetism. Is this not true?

    Nooooo, that’s not what an atom is. Compounds (substances made of atoms from more than one element), can be magnetic. Like rare-earth magnets are made of rare-earth elements.

    Neodymium magnets are made of an alloy of the following elements: neodymium, iron, and boron.

    Samarium-cobalt magnets are made from, you guessed it, the elements samarium, cobalt.

    I think you should revisit some chemistry resources. You’re missing some fundamental concepts.

  • That’s not alchemy. Alchemy was changing elements, specifically not-gold metals into gold, not just molecules.

    You can turn copper + zinc into brass, but the atoms of copper and zinc still exist within brass. You can’t turn a copper atom into a zinc atom.

    You can mix gold atoms with something else to make a gold alloy, you can’t change gold atoms into something else or vice versa.

  • We don’t inhale a single element and exhale another. We inhale air, a mixture of gas compounds and exhale another mixture after our bodies use and rearrange some of it. By mole fraction (i.e., by quantity of molecules), dry air contains 78.08% nitrogen (N2), 20.95% oxygen (O2), 0.93% argon (Ar), 0.03% carbon dioxide (CO2), and small amounts of other trace gases.

    We do not inhale pure oxygen atoms, O, and turn them into carbon dioxide molecules, CO2.

    The base element, O, is highly reactive and isn’t even in the mix we breathe. The air we breathe contains O2, two oxygen atoms bonded together. O2 is used by our bodies to break down ATP for energy, recombining and resulting in CO2 and other byproducts. Those O atoms that made up O2 are still there, now just bonded into CO2 molecules.

    Biology and chemistry, not alchemy. Compounds changing, not elements.

    Unless you want to define alchemy erroneously and way more broadly. In which case every time I take a shit, I’m an alchemist because I’m taking food molecules, pulling some things out of them, and discarding the changed output.

  • No. For so many reasons.

    I do not and have never wanted to be a performer.

    Voice acting seems ripe to disappear as an industry thanks to AI crap.

    If it doesn’t disappear due to AI, it seems like most jobs would be low-pay, no benefits gig work.

    The few talented folks who break through gig work into real paying careers are going to be the ones who aren’t being described as “generic”.

    I already have a stable career. And while I’m not looking for a side gig, if I were, voice acting wouldn’t be it for the reasons above.

    Those are all my reasons though. It’s obviously a viable job for some people (or just a hobby).

  • It’s fine. I don’t prioritize personally-relevant usernames. Using the same username across multiple platforms just makes it easier for data brokers and stalkers to make connections. Most of my usernames are the result of 20 seconds of thought related to some piece of media I have been consuming.

    When I picked this one, I was reading about psychopomps in various cultures. This figure was one I hadn’t read about before and I figured it would make for a nice, unique handle.