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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Test_Tickles@lemmynsfw.comtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldDaughters and Fathers
    4 months ago

    This is all amazing advice, and I would like to add one thing to it, don’t lie to her. People casually lie to their kids all the time, “I don’t have any change”, “we are all out of cookies”, “don’t worry, grandma is fine and will be back to normal in no time.”. Kids aren’t stupid, and they remember way more than you think. They see you pull out the change you “didn’t have” at the next stop. They see/hear/smell the cookies that you are sneakily eating. They can tell something is wrong with grandma. Have some backbone and be honest, “no, we aren’t wasting money on trash toys”, “no, sugar this late will keep you awake and make you insane”, “grandma is not feeling well, but we are doing everything we can for her, and we are going to let her know we miss her and love her”.

  • Sort of, but carbs are problematic.so its not cut and dried. Also, not all your calories have to come from carbs. For instance, Keto diets get rid of most, if not all, carbs from your diet. I suspect that a keto diet would probably be ideal for me considering how badly my body handles carbs, but I just don’t have the willpower, money, or time to do a keto diet.
    I’m no dietitian or doctor, so I can’t actually give you advice on your diet directly. I get on here to rant because I’m sick of being sold bad information and bad foods just to increase corporate profits, and then having so called professionals treat me like it’s my fault that their continued bad advice makes everything worse for me.
    The simple fact is that some people’s bodies are different, and some of us really need fat in our diets.
    From what you have said, it really seems like you need to find a proper nutritionist. Not someone trying to sell you a specific diet, or supplement, but someone who can look through your medical history, and help you figure out something that will work for you.
    I am willing to bet that unless you have allergies, or other medical issues that preclude them, that eggs will be one of the top things on their food recommendations.

  • The problem could be how fast you digest your food. As high as fat is in calories, it also digests much slower than sugar. So low fat might actually worse for you in a lot of cases.
    Eggs are great. Protein is also very slow to digest. Eggs are mostly protein and fat, and the fat is largely good fats. Eggs also take well to being mixed with other foods. Once you get sick of basic eggs, like fried eggs and scrambled eggs, then you can sprinkle a little bit of cheese on it and it’s a completely different flavor. Full fat cheese please, none of that 2% bullshit. Add some bread and you have an egg and cheese sandwich, toast and eggs, toad in the hole, or basic French toast.
    I have spent most of my life struggling with low blood sugar issues. It is not only difficult to live with, but it is impossible to find real advice on how to deal with it. Most doctors are arrogant pricks that tell you just to eat less. Sure, I’ll just go on a diet again and lose consciousness on the way home from work again, great fucking advice.

    If it is really negatively affecting your health, you might also look at semaglutide. It works by making you digest slower. That has been a game changer for me. Being able to eat like a normal person is freeing… I actually worked through lunch this weekend. Completely forgot to eat because I was doing something really interesting. If you don’t understand how big a deal that is, then you just need to work on eating better foods, you don’t need the semaglutide. If that sounds like a fantasy thing that You would never f****** dare, then it might be something to look into.

  • Of course, they will drag it out until the elections. It is only being done because of the elections. It is all a performance to rally their base and get them to vote. Too many Republicans are tired of, or at least too embarrassed by, Trump and the other crazy fuckers, like the Freedom Caucus. While nothing is great, nothing is also so bad that they can really shit on Biden, at least not enough to rally around. Even his support of Israel isn’t something they can use against him since they are 120% pro Israel too. They also seriously need a smoke screen for the shit show that is the impending government shut down.
    It’s all for show, a way to get the very poor but very racist core to take time off of their jobs to go vote for a states right to murder brown children while at the same time diverting attention from the fact that the reason that those poor racists aren’t getting their social security and other government support is due to the Republicans massive incompetence.

  • Not exactly, this is about changing your entire perspective on how you view dreams, how you respond to them, and how you feel about what happens to the characters within them.

    You are not a helpless victim of your dreams. You are an unintentional 3rd party witness, much like watching someone else play a video game. You may be experiencing the same visuals and sounds as the user, but you are not actually at the controls. You don’t have to feel guilty or helpless, it’s not your game. But much like watching someone else play, you can make suggestions, or possibly even take the controls for a moment. You have time to look up tips and watch other play-throughs.
    Also, you don’t have to fear going back to sleep, especially if it is a recurring dream. In fact, you can be excited to have the dream again, because this time you have a plan.

  • Reoccurring nightmares are not you. They are someone else, like you, but a different you, in a different universe/timeline (think Jet Li in The One). For some reason, our brains sometimes connect with these others while we sleep. Maybe it has something to do with a perfect alignment of brain waves or something, but this is also why time is often so screwy in dreams, or the facts of the dream change. You are like an old analog radio tuning in a faraway station while driving through the mountains. Sometimes the signal is strong, sometimes it is barely there, and sometimes you cross over a hill and suddenly you are listening to something completely different. The next time you wake from a particular nightmare, stop and think about what you can do to help your other self. Make sure you take the physics of their reality into account… they are somehow falling to their deaths because they jumped too high? Then they must have the strength or low gravity needed to make that happen. So maybe it is only scary because you are applying your physics, but in their world they just need to brace for landing, or prepare to tuck and roll… Did they get attacked by a nightmare creature? Well you just need to make sure that when you reconnect with them the next time, you reconnect earlier in the timeline, and firmly hold the idea they need to show up ready to fuck that creature up. Don’t know how to fuck up a 30ft, fire breathing, strap on dildo wearing, pigeon? You don’t need to. They live in that reality, I’m sure they know how to deal with it, they just need to know to be prepared. And even if they don’t know, one of the other yous will. It’s a pest that other other you deals with daily on the way to work. You just need to connect with one of them first, get the information, and then reconnect with the other you… odds are that the solution is a fire extinguisher, an even bigger strap on, and a bag of bird seed, and boom, you’ve turned their hell into a way to shorten their daily commute by a factor of ten (once they get a saddle for it of course, safety first). Once you have your plan, you go back in with the intent to purposely reconnect to the nightmare and give the other you the tools they need fix their situation. And don’t forget, time is not linear between universes. Your nightmare is reoccurring because you repeatedly keep reconnecting to this particular moment. So that also means, that with a little effort, you should be able to connect earlier in the timeline too. Remember, it’s not you, but you can help. You have all the time in the world to think it through and formulate a plan. And you can keep trying until you get it right.