Since the democratic party has become arguably centered instead of left, its natural that a new left leaning party should become mainstream
Since the democratic party has become arguably centered instead of left, its natural that a new left leaning party should become mainstream
It is what it is
You really want to lock up everyone you think is an asshole?
Health care has been used as a weapon in the past… and thats not good…
That generally requires them to demonstrate or threaten Self-harm
He has the right, but lacks the ability.
Lol. Small fine, business as usual
You are living in the past.
All mods replaced with AI
It looks so easy, and it is easy, but then it kills you.
They couldn’t even read music at all 😞
10/3 millimeters away, to be precise.
Compared to ten hundred bajillion shekels its a steal
I did it this morning
I set up a desk fan in the doorway to blow air out into the rest of the house
Mine has been broken, if you wiggle it just right it would dispense water. Maybe it’s just broken off?
Btw, naples FL? Identical setup if not
Its a safe space for them to be… away from me
In the US, a jury can choose to ignore the facts, and they can not be punished for it.