Jojo, Lady of the West

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • It’s probably aware of them, but generally no. Most slopes for driving on are smooth enough to be pretty negligible unless you’re going hundreds of miles or more, in which case fives of miles won’t make much difference either.

    But if you’re traveling by bike those small slopes may make some parts of the ride significantly more difficult or easier, and for cars may impact fuel efficiency in a way much more significant than just counting the extra distance traveled. So many navigation systems will still account for slope, even if they don’t necessarily acknowledge the length of your path as precisely as you may have hoped

  • Well, no. Perhaps I’ve been misunderstood.

    If no evidence whatsoever for a claim exists, then there is no reason to favor that claim. This is an effectively rare situation, and basically only applies to things someone has made up whole cloth just now.

    Likewise, the existence of some evidence is not necessarily definitive “proof” of a claim, merely enough of a reason to consider it further (such as considering alternative explanations or how well said evidence matches what we might expect)

    In this case, there is evidence that somebody named Jesus may have existed, and however ideal that evidence may or may not be, it is about the amount of evidence we would expect to find of any given figure from his time.

  • Watts is what sets fires, though. It’s literally the “amount of energy delivered to the surrounding area per second”

    1-2 kW is pretty typical for a single cooktop/hot plate or small space heater, so at least that same amount of energy put out by of those is going to be coming from that light. Some of that energy is in the form of the light, but at least a fair amount of it is heat, and “several thousand” could be a lot more than 1-2.