That makes more sense then. Still would need a house, but could manage that with planning/tiny home over time.
That makes more sense then. Still would need a house, but could manage that with planning/tiny home over time.
I mean, reading the Wikipedia article is seems like there’s a lot known about the killer and a pretty clear motive of him wanting to kill a bunch of people…
Something about the Vegas one (other than total number of fatalities) was so much more sinister. We barely even ever heard about the perpetrator. It’s always seemed bizarre to me.
Not saying we should be giving any media attention to mass killers, but it definitely breaks with the normal media portrayal.
How are you going to buy a bunch of land with a small amount of UBI?
I’ve been saying this for a while, and that’s why I think a complex problem like this needs a more complex solution than UBI.
Essentially I think successful UBI would need to be something like UBS instead (Universal Basic Support). Instead of only being money it needs to consist of free services. That way it’s harder for third parties to leech it away.
So instead of “Here’s $1000 a month, do whatever you want” it would need to be more like “You can get free healthcare here, free electricity through this company, free food rations from this grocery store.” Then if you want things above UBS you need to have some source of income.
We talk for our dog. We don’t have children, but our dog has full on conversations with us but it’s just my wife and I making his “voice.” It always goes along with the context and it seems to be what he would be saying. Our old dog and our current dog even have their own distinct intonation/dialect when saying things.
It’s to the point that sometimes we look at each other and go “huh, it’s weird when you think about the fact that he’s never actually really spoken before….”
Folie a deux?
Yep. Been saying for a while that it feels like old Reddit.
I wonder if it’s a nerd-level thing. Reddit devolved as it turned into another social media outlet instead of a niche internet techie place.
This is so true. I try to explain this to my wife and she doesn’t understand.
If I’m on my phone I’m either:
I hate social media. I’ve hated Reddit since API. Lemmy is great but I’ll go days sometimes with the same home page. So I basically cycle through the same 3 sites endlessly. I got a Steam Deck to try and help with this, but when I hop on it my wife thinks I’m “playing video games so should be working on something.” I’ve tried to explain that using a Steam Deck is the equivalent of her scrolling social media, but alas.
So yeah. Basically nothing to do these days. I think the most frustrating part to me is how most content seems to be geared towards making me angry. I never remember it being like that.
If you put in the work upfront it will make the back half easier. If you slack on the front end you’ll need to sprint to the finish.
Mainly came to this conclusion in school with academics, but started applying it to everything. It’s not perfect—you can absolutely work hard and still not get the results because of forces of nature (or oppressive systems). But in general I’ve found it’s a good rule to live by.
You know it’s a been a bad day when you arrive to your shift and the Blakemore box is out…
Yeah, I think there’s a handful of toxic folks on here who are behind the bots or a series or alt accounts. I think Reddit probably had more infrastructure in place to crack down on stuff like that, but it’s happened to me (although less dramatically) in other threads here as well. But yeah, there’s no way my relatively normal comment got immediately downvote spammed and commented on by 6 different accounts. Definitely alts.
Totally true. I made a totally reasonable comment about a month ago (stated that women shouldn’t be hit on at the gym by randos), and I got downvoted to oblivion and the comment was spammed by 7 different users who essentially acted like I was Hitler. Then they started spamming my comment history and I had to delete all of my old posts.
Seemed like a real person was behind it, but may have been using bots to spam me.
Yeah, my understanding of the physiology is that taking it that early leads to rebound sleepiness in 4-6 hours after waking. I think it definitely does, but the immediate caffeine helps if you have a job that demands immediate alertness lol.
They’re Jet Alert 200 mg—but the pills are oblong so I break them into smaller doses based on how I’m feeling. Feeling really awake? Don’t take any. Slightly drowsy? A quarter of one (50mg). Normal level of drowsy? 100 mg. Etc.
There’s something about the going back to sleep that seems to have a stacking effect—you wake up feeling really well rested.
Sleep with caffeine pills next to your bed. Set an alarm for 20 minutes before when you want to wake up. Take the pill with the alarm, and go back to sleep. You will magically wake up super awake at the time you want to be up.
This is obviously a lot less good than the healthy solutions here, but I work a rotating shift schedule and this trick has been working for me for over a decade.
Very good point. I’d like to also think it’s not getting attention as to avoid prompting more idiots from joining in on the idiocy, but that’s likely me giving MSM too much credit.
This has to be purposefully not getting media coverage so as to not incite panic/public support, right? When I saw the first ruling posted by Gov Abbott it seemed almost like a secessionist rant, but it’s NO WHERE to be seen in MSM
It’s like back in the day of Internet forums. I don’t mind it at all.
Most posters are talking about what natural disasters they experience and less about preparedness, so I’m going to take the preparedness angle:
My take on survival stuff is to be prepared but not be a prepper. Some folks take this way too far. I feel everyone who builds a bunker and has a years worth of food is going to have someone fall flat on their house and it won’t matter anyway. That being said, I want to have enough to comfortably survive a week-month, and then after that things would be so fucked that all bets are off anyway.