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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • There are many things in those books that are demonstrably true, but that doesn’t necessarily prove everything in them just as those things that are demonstrably false don’t necessarily disprove everything in them.

    It’s just a matter of not being able to observe, measure, or physically test a god’s existence. From an objective standpoint, believing whether a god exists or not is still just a belief.

    I’m only trying to show how a scientific person could compartmentalize their beliefs from their studies and to that end, I think we agree that they aren’t incompatible. What someone chooses to believe after that is up to them, because as you point out, there’s no peer reviewed published evidence one way or another.

  • Before Barbie came out, I thought your profile was a marketing/PR team promoting the movie. I’m kinda convinced now that this may just be your account. Celebrities are regular people too and frankly, I only know your characters, not you as a person or how you care to spend your time. But we’re all just people being humans.

    I go to my little local movie theater all the time. Three times just this week. My wife and I LOVE the cinematic experience!

    I just want to tell you, I REALLY enjoyed Babylon! It felt like an epic tale of the rise and fall of “empires”, whether referring to eras of film making, industry magnates, prolific celebrities of the time, all changing/growing and then devolving through debauchery to depravity and finally, collapse (I imagine the point of the title.) All the characters intertwined through separate, steep trajectories. Reminded me of Casino. I don’t read many reviews or critics; I’m not really sure how it was “officially” received, but from an avid movie-goer in a tiny little mountain town in the US, I thoroughly enjoyed your performance!

  • I asked my parents for wool socks for Christmas twenty years ago and they gave me a few pairs each of three or four different brands. The ones that have lasted the longest and include a lifetime warranty is Redhead from Bass Pro. I’ve only exchanged them once or twice. They’re tall and thick with high pile wool. I’ve worn a pair almost every day for probably nine months out of the year, sometimes year-round, ever since I got them.

  • Nick Offerman.

    Many know him as Ron Swanson from Parks & Rec, but that’s a character. He’s a dynamic actor, a hilarious comic, eloquent author, and an outstanding woodworker. I like his honesty and pragmaticism. I enjoy the way he brings his characters to life. His writing transports me in my mind. His woodworking is inspiring to me. His comedy makes me feel seen in this human experiment. I love his laugh; he clearly likes to be goofy, much like myself. He came through my town on his American Ham comedy tour and that’s when I got a real feel for who he is as a person. He loves his wife enthusiastically. He’s a connoisseur, whether it’s words, whisk(e)y, wood, what-have-you. He’s inclusive; understanding that we’re all just individuals living our lives and wanting to do our best. You’ll find a wide swath of genders working and managing his woodshop which means a lot to me as a woodworker because it’s often a male dominated industry. I’m white, cis, male, and shoot, even southern (Appalachian) American, but I staunchly believe in accessibility and inclusiveness. The more I learn about Nick, the more I like the guy, and I’ve learned a good deal about him. I’ve had this dream for a while about reaching out to see if he’d want to go paddling with me down the oldest river in North America which starts in my area, but I’m just some guy, and he’s probably pretty busy.