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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2023


  • Both Döner and Kebab are words that passed into English and other European languages from Turkish. Importing these words to form an ungrammatical phrase is a feature of borrowing words from another language. While the new word, and new food, may be considered a word of the importing language, as many English and German words are, they are never considered the origin or birthplace. Same goes for food.

    With this logic of changing something on top of the same base thing a calling it originating in a new country already shows itself as contract manufacturing, and many would considered slapping a Made in the U.S. label while all the work except a laser logo engraving comes from somewhere else a malpractice and marketing customarily, although it is legal.

    With the same logic, one can even go as much as culture-stealing with calling all the damaged cultural heritage in the British museums a British artifact, since they are no longer the same artifact they were in their homelands. Hell, lets go even painting these old statues with modern paint practices and call them originating from wherever they are painted.

    Origin is something, cultural assimilation in a neutral connotation is another.

  • With geography considered, Turkey has 80% of its landmass in Asia. With how you interpret the geographical continents, you can even say the whole old world is simply Asia and Africa. It is a matter of preference than it is a matter of any other aspect, anyway. And you don’t have to go far, just visit your nearest general online map community, to see that Turkey’s situation especially is a matter of preference and convenience.

    And such a food is mostly a culture related thing rather than a geographical feature. Yes, geography and culture is intertwined on a lot of topics, and some food types are almost completely related to the geographical situation, like fish based cuisine being a staple of Japanese cuisine, but you can hardly call a red meat with different cooking style a matter of geography.

  • And this is just when the arbitrary culture lines decide when to include Turkey as a whole in Europe because it is convenient this time.

    I wonder what the most governments and people of Europe were thinking during the decision to house 10 million Syrian refugees in Turkey, practically acting as floodplains for the refugees crises they engineered in the Middle East, citing “similar cultures” as the reason? I believe they were thinking " Turkey is a part of the Middle East, not Europe.

  • I usually disregard this type of food wars, but the article using clear cut phrasing to attribute döner to Germany in 2 instances has quite triggered me as a Turkish person. I can shrug off the title if it was all there is to it, but what the hell of a British culture-stealing attempt is it to call Berlin the birthplace of döner, and it a European food coupled with that? If one did not know better, one would think that such a food being almost used as point to refuse Turkey’s integration to EU a European cuisine.

    What’s next, our Kokoreç is a French food?

  • I had been using Reddit with my custom feed right from the very beginning. It was pretty good, I got more community recommendations from friends and people in the communities I had subscribed to, and I even started dropping some communities I no longer had much interest in, so my feed was pretty dynamic with popular and niche stuff alike.

    I still miss my custom feed and having content in some niche communities, but it has been more than 6 months since my preferred 3rd party app has been deployed for Lemmy and I have been completely scrolling and commenting on Lemmy only, still. Never scrolled on Reddit since July 1, never succumbed to desktop-only alternatives like old.reddit, although it is still my default with RES settings applied if I’m to click on Reddit links for info, since the platform was going to be at its shittiest moments from then on, not just the interface.

    Primary news communities are good enough to not avoid them like the plague they were in Reddit, riddled with propaganda bots. Big, general meme communities are the same, without many daily reposts in the same community. Movies/series fan communities are very much lacking, except a couple big fan communities. Tbh I prefer Star Trek communities here over any series/movies fan communities anywhere else, although I haven’t watched even one episode of Star Trek so far in my life. Game communities are almost completely dead, but I have started getting my game updates from Steam “Home” screen blog feeds on the library. Big, all gaming and new gaming announcement related communities here are the same as they were in Reddit if I want digital entertainment poisoning anyway.

    Overall, fewer content flood of Lemmy with also almost non-existent bot or discussion-disabled loud mouth count feels like a way healthier engagement procedure on this kind of a platform. Writing paragraphs-long comments never felt like a drop in the sea they were on Reddit, even if these comments get only a handful upvotes/downvotes here and maybe a couple replies at best.

  • Most niche communities from R*ddit are pretty much dead here unless you are looking forward to being a regular poster yourself. This rather requires sticking to the lemmy.world open feed rather than creating a custom feed with your communities only, if you are looking to scroll a lot instead, of course. Just stick around a bit, see how often what communities and people reach the general feed, elect to block the ones that feel flooding your feed or not to your taste. Maybe give some regularly-posted communities that are previously not in your area of interest some chance before going on a mass block. This place does have a quality and rather genuine people, but in a limited scope.

  • Being fed up with constant bullshit and not giving known actors any more benefit of the doubt on their every single upcoming potential bullshit activity is a scary thing to possess when speaking in public spaces.

    Just because a clock has sentimental value, looks cool or has some other appeal, many people would be willing to criticize you for calling out that it doesn’t work. They’ll take any opportunity on your claim to make you look wrong, even if the broken clock shows the right time by mistake once in every 12 hours, rest of which you correctly keep calling out.