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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I was on the beltway one night in a construction zone. They had jersey walls (concrete barriers) instead of cones and barrels to shift traffic. The SUV in front of me had not been weaving or worrying me at all when it drifted into the jersey wall in the left and just ground along it doing about 70. I expected them to jerk the wheel the other way, but they didn’t. After a few seconds, they drifted back to the center of the lane. Just as I was thinking good on them for not panicking, they slammed back into the jersey wall and rode it until it ended. Their car was scraped all to hell. They had to have fallen asleep (passed out drunk). The grinding noise of car on concrete and flying sparks were too obvious to not be noticed by a conscious driver. I backed way off and fortunately was nearing my exit.

  • I start sea turtle patrol in a couple hours! Which is fancy for I walk a section of beach before the sun comes up looking for evidence that a mama turtle has made a nest. If I find one, I call it in, and a biologist & team will come out to survey the nest, possibly relocate it if necessary above the high tide line, and put a cage over it to protect it from coyotes and tourists. But there have only been 3 nests laid so far this season. It’s kind of a slow year. So I’m not expecting to find anything. But i might, which is cool, and the sunrises here are beautiful. Exercise, beach, and sunrise is not a bad way to start the day.