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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • This has been my struggle. I read the documentation before posting to linux groups. And even saying that you just get “wHaT r U sToOpId!? rTfM aGaIn!” Like just rereading it will magically reveal terms that I didn’t understand the first 3 times. I gave up on trying to switch to linux.

    I think my last straw was I was talking about establishing an SFTP server in OpenBSD (I know, unix not linux, don’t bother; same kinds of people in both) and I had a typo in my question and it was a very benign unimportant typo and some pedantic fuckwad had a mental fucking breakdown because he was now confused if I really wanted SFTP or FTP and how FTP was insecure blah blah…the whole thread was about setting up SFTP wtf would you think that changed in the middle because I forgot the S on SFTP in the middle of a discussion on setting up SFTP. Too many pedantics in the community and even when I like software I don’t want to be associated/involved with that level of unempathetic autistic assholery.