Rule Brittania would be a good one to rid history of.
Rule Brittania would be a good one to rid history of.
They self select.
ELI5 please why they don’t just put their server farms in a desert, roofed with solar panels and a big-bum battery?
<shrug> like: wtf is going on? These fucking idiots.
They killed the apps.
How is our experience of decision making different to one where we reach an inevitable outcome based on a complex set of parameters?
Typing Like This Is Really Tiring And It Messes Up Your Phone’s Word Suggestions. Don’t Do It.
The Portal games.
My sister left Texas when she decided to start having children
Those forced childbirth laws aren’t working as intended.
You don’t have to use a local server though.
When your problem isn’t the responsibility of the person in front of you, but it is the manager’s responsibility.
Post-2016 politics is a different animal.
Given they’re lying about casualty rates and killing reporters I’d say that’s a easy ten.
On top of all this stupidity, how is calling jkr a terf bitch punching down?
Watch them. Start a podcast.
0.0125 drivers per second.