14 days agoI think the simplest answer is that we humans can hold two contradictory opinions at the same time. There are people who can support free speech and then censor books willy nilly. There are people who believe strongly in a religion but brazenly violate its rules of conduct on the regular. There are people who know homophobia is wrong but still are homophobic. And if this man has the hots for you at the same time this may be his way of squaring that circle.
I don’t know you. I don’t know him. Insert heaps of salt here. This doesn’t sound like a good friendship to pursue.
You can consider yourself anything you like. Time is relative. I’m older than you and would say 24 is young. A nineteen year old might look at you as an antique. The trick is to know your audience. Don’t openly call yourself young if you’re among the elders in the room.