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Pronouns: They/them


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • There’s some confusion somewhere here, but I’m not entirely sure where. If you’re using a torrent client, you’re not using Real-Debrid. You can download torrents via Real-Debrid, but the torrent part is done on their servers. When you then download the files, you’re not torrenting, you’re downloading directly from Real-Debrid’s servers.

    If do you want torrent client recommendations, qbittorrent on PC and LibreTorrent on Android. Just know that you wouldn’t be using Real-Debrid while using these.

  • They’re talking about Real Debrid, which is a subscription service allowing access to hosters and easy conversion of torrents to direct streams. It’s really cheap and absolutely worth the money IMO, but RD doesn’t seed torrents. Distributing content in that manner would get them in heaps of legal trouble.

    I guess it does somewhat solve the problem of leeching, as if anyone has streamed a torrent via RD in the past 30 days you’ll just load their cached copy, but I was perhaps naïvely hoping for an actual addon (RD is not an addon but rather can be configured through Torrentio) that somehow seeded torrents I stream.

  • There are only two people who ever ask me for tech help. One is my father, who is decently tech-litterate for his age, helping him usually revolves around media piracy. I very occasionally lose patience with him because sometimes I’ll tell him to check something, he’ll say he did it, and I keep trying to figure out his issue only for him to realize half an hour later he didn’t actually check what I told him to.

    The other is an older lady who used to be my neighbour, we became friends and still keep in touch since she moved. I absolutely adore helping her out, since it’s usually something silly that takes literally less than 30 seconds to figure out/fix. She’s always immensely appreciative and acts like I’m the smartest person in the goddamn world. It’s honestly a welcomed ego boost, plus it makes me feel great to see how genuinely thankful she is.

    I think, especially with older generations, you really have to keep in mind how much the world has changed since they got here. My old neighbour didn’t have electricity or running water growing up, and now we expect her to understand GUIs, OSes, settings, accounts, networks…

    I get much more upset when I see people around my age (late twenties to early thirties) who can’t understand the basic functions of a desktop operating system. I understand that not all of my generation were tech-obsessed kids/teens like myself, spending their free time figuring out stuff like upgrading from Vista to XP or partitioning the hard drive on the family PC to dual boot Linux distros, but you’d think they’d at least understand the basics of a filesystem and how to change settings.

  • Seriously, I’d take someone new to driving in snowy/icy conditions over someone who has a bunch of misplaced confidence in their driving skills because they’ve “been driving in worse than this for decades!” in a heartbeat.

    The newbie is much more likely to actually adapt to the conditions and drive more cautiously.

  • I’m running GrapheneOS, so out of 82 apps on my phone only 10 packages aren’t open-source. These include social media, messaging, banking, and Google Play Store/services. So around 88% FOSS.

    I only use proprietary software on my device if there doesn’t exist a FOSS alternative*.

    *I know there are open-source options for social media/messaging but I don’t really consider having to convert my whole social circle to a new platform to be a viable alternative.

  • I’m just sitting here trying to figure out if I’ve ever eaten cereal in public.

    I guess maybe in a hotel that offered “free continental breakfast”? If I did make a habit of eating cereal in public, I can’t say I’d have a second thought before picking up my bowl and drinking the (oat) milk leftover. Do some people not do this? What do they do, throw it away? Scoop milk into their mouths with a spoon?

    Life’s too short to be self-conscious about how you eat cereal.