Haha. Sympathy troll? I hope you don’t get banned because you’re entertaining. I guess saying not to do the same thing shitty people do and to rise above it is me giving them sympathy? You got some wires crossed. You’re what I consider a left radical. And don’t misunderstand. I’m a left-leaning libertarian. We are one of the weirdest groups on the left. Like expecting personal freedoms in a social government. I get it’s odd, but you are saying that the only way to win is to troll the trolls. What does that accomplish besides vilifying us further down the road instead of continuing to let Trump’s GOP continue to implode.
And if people do decide that they feel their side is wrong and switch to the other side, it is fine. However (through experience), you are the only person I’ve interacted with who has said that. So with all evidence that I have seen you are minority in that belief. Everyone else has absolute condemnation in their mind
And if you start a brigading campaign against them, it’ll just be used to raise their platform.
Not necessarily whatever you want because you have to follow DOT standards, but utility locating is a good one. The standard is steel toe, reflective vest, and in some cases, a hard hat. Other than that, you’re good unless the company mandates something different. You can also get good money, experience, and networking in that field. Since you’re such a young person, and if you have a good personal drive, you’d greatly excel at it because it is a relatively physical job
I see it as the neonazi movement in the US in late 90s and early 2000s. They want to be edgy, but don’t have a significant structure to actually do anything important. Around 2006 I ended up stealing a knife from a neonazi that came in to the restaurant that I worked at. It was a Mexican restaurant btw lol
Insane!? You’re talking about Insane right?
I personally feel like you guys are on the same side, so please don’t argue
Edit: my bad. I was wrong. The other person got upset because I thought you two were under agreement. They’re gone from my post now 😁
Not to be a dick, but it seems like you guys are on the same side, so why are you arguing?
My friend, I don’t give a shit
I didn’t say it was. I’m trying to get their perspective. Stop putting words in my mouth
Well thank you letting me live rent free in your head. You wasted your mental energy by coming here and saying that. And you have proved nothing besides exactly what I said. You didn’t come here to get an understanding of me, you came here to try and call me out.
So do you feel better about yourself? You holding your head up higher now?
I’m asking where they get their understanding of the historical events
It seems to me you’re under the belief that they can say and believe whatever they want without criticism, and they shouldn’t be allowed to be criticized. Also, I see you have used the phrase “neolib,” so your beliefs are probably more in line with theirs than mine are. Of course, you’re not going to be criticized. However, I do have the right to critique the approach with their criticism. The short-and-skinny of what I observed is that they can dish it out, but can’t take it. It’s irrational and a very closed off way if thinking. If they want to be talked to and about in a certain way, then they themselves need to do the same
On the topic of Churchill and the Irish Revolt, where are you getting your information from?
But in their eyes, I’m the crazy, illiterate, stupid lib
That’s ok. Instead of having a normal dialog or civil disagreement, they want to be cowards and try to bully or demean people that disagree with them. Those people that do that are honestly sad and I pity them
That’s not abnormal. Supporting authoritarian and totalitarian regimes means they themselves are authoritarian or totalitarian and just haven’t been able properly exemplify the authority they feel they deserve
I know. Just saying I don’t approve. I have no control of what you do