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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2024


  • Last month Ron DeSantis, the state’s rightwing Republican governor, signed into law a controversial bill that allows the public to shoot and kill bears for a perceived threat to “a person, pet or dwelling”.

    The legislation was drawn up by the Republican state congressman Jason Shoaf, a keen hunter according to his biography, who claimed in February that “bears high on crack” were breaking into people’s houses and “tearing them apart”.

    At the time the Guardian was unable to find a single documented incident of any bear in Florida ingesting crack, and Shoaf did not return a request for clarification.

    What planet do these people even live on?

  • Oh, I agree. I love adaptive cruise control because it makes driving so much simpler, safer, and more relaxing (especially as someone with a medical condition which makes my legs get tired).

    But after getting that loaner, I became extremely concerned about the prospect of people growing up with that level of adaptive cruise control. It won’t be long before we have drivers who never really had to drive their car. I’m sure there are people who said the same about automatic transmissions, but being able to do basic things like stay between the lines when you drive is very different than having to shift gears on your transmission.

  • This isn’t what you’re asking, but since your question has been answered, and this might actually be helpful for you:

    Sorry for asking something that boils down to “please help me with my homework” but I’m at a loss.

    You should put a comma before “but”. Like so:

    Sorry for asking something that boils down to “please help me with my homework”, but I’m at a loss.

    A comma is required when you are separating clauses which would be complete sentences. “I’m at a loss” is a complete sentence, so there should be a comma before the “but”.