⚛️ Color 🎨

Just an artist who loves life | I love drawing biblically accurate angels

Made in Abyss and Pikmin connoisseur

No AI whatsoever is used in my art. I post progress pictures as well as the associated PaintTool SAI files with each new drawing that I upload

My Cara https://cara.app/turbiniddragon

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 5th, 2024


  • Bananas emit positrons because they contain potassium-40, which releases positrons as it undergoes radioactive decay. These positrons are quickly annihilated as they hit electrons, their normal matter counterpart. Potassium-40 is a naturally occurring isotope present in the Earth but it has a very long half life of around a billion years. Around 0.01% of all potassum is potassium-40 and technically, any food which contains potassium will also contain a little bit of potassium-40, it’s just that banana trees are known at being efficient at absorbing and storing potassium.

  • We inhale air, which is composed of nitrogen, oxygen, and small amounts of other gasses such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen and neon. Carbon dioxide is not an element, but a compound. Elements are things composed of only one type of atom, wheras compounds, such as carbon dioxide, are composed of more than one type of atom, specifically two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom.

    We inhale oxygen and carbon dioxide from the air, it’s just that when we exhale the ratios are different. When we exhale we also breathe out oxygen as well since not all of it gets absorbed. In order to change an element from one to another, you need to do nuclear reactions. Our bodies can change one compound to another but that’s a whole different story (and much less fun than nuclear reactions). I hope this helped! 😃

  • Magnetism is a force which is generated by the motion of electrons within atoms. Electrons orbit the nucelus of atoms and some metals, such as iron are ferromagnetic. Magnetic fields are generated due to their magnetic moment, and these fields interact with other things that also have magnetic moment.

    Electrons have a property known as quantum mechanical spin. This creates what is known as a magnetic dipole moment. In non magnetic materials, the moments in the material are in a random arrangement, often pointing in opposite directions and cancelling out the magnetic fields they generate. With magnetic materials, particles have spin in a particular direction, resulting in magnetism, and the magnetic fields are cumulative.

    With metals, such as iron, there are unpaired electrons and they spin in the same direction, and the field they generate is cumulative, so you get a metal that is attracted to or repelled by magnets.

    Elements can be changed into other elements through nuclear reactions, but this wouldn’t be possible through more simple means. If you ate a chunk of iron for instance, it would remain as iron. Rather than being a solid piece of iron it’d be fragmented and dispersed throughout the body so it depends on how sensitive your tools are for detecting magnetism.