Carighan Maconar

The strength of life to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Ah yes of course. Both Meta and Bluesky have far outrun any federated-short-blogging effort of the Fediverse, and as a result companies will rather want to monetize those. But this is also the paradoxical situation of people in here who both want “the Fediverse to succeed” and “keep corporate interests out of the Fediverse”: Either won’t happen.

    Right now it looks more like this’ll remain a hyper-specialized place for specific discussions, Mastodon more so. You can go there for false dichotomies in regards to browser development feedback for example, or for dejected Youtube actual-content-creators getting yelled at for engaging with their community.

    But it seems it’ll stay at that. However, this also keeps any monetary interest away from it, so that’s good. Of course, should this ever change and the Fediverse grows more welcoming and that works and it grows bigger, of course the moment users move in (in numbers), advertisers, astroturfers and all will move in with them. That’s just a given.

    And partially why I hate this “Just block’em!”-approach to Threads: It assumes the stick-your-fingers-into-your-ears-and-ignore-the-issue approach would ever be an actual solution to any problem. And then when you run into an issue you cannot avoid that way, you have fuck all experience doing something actionable about it, as you’ve never tried before.

  • Yeah it’s because a separation can leave you in a really vulnerable emotional and mental place.

    And assholes like Peterson or Jones or so are adept at latching onto that and subverting your perspective from the inside out. You’d think “Hey, that could never happen to me!” but it’s difficult to know how vulnerable you’ll be after a truly harrowing emotional experience - which a breakup can be in some particular cases even though between adults it really should not have to be - and once you’re exploited, it’s virtually impossible to realize how skewed your view has become.

    Of course, this is separate from the often much more common case where someone was a nutjob from the getgo (like the guy in this article) and it just took their partner a while to realize that all the fame and money isn’t worth living with someone so utterly deranged.