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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Repeating tankie nonsense only shows us who are the morons and shills on the internet that think things boil down to one man, compared to damn near a century of US foreign policy, most every lawmaker in congress and a majority of voters… who are uninformed.

    Blaming Joe Biden for that just shows how useless you are in understanding the world around you or coming up with any real solution to that very real problem. You might as well blame 3 years of Biden for all the shit reagan, bush1, bush2/cheney, and trump did…

    Aka you gotta be just as dumb as this article…

    “Genocide Joe” = I’m ignorant of history and like catch phrases. So now, not the past 100 years, is the time for a tantrum! Not workable solutions, more like a T-shirt slogan cause I’m so smart”

  • I’m sure 4 years of republicans calling those same countries “shit holes” has nothing to do with it.

    This whole article comes off as incredibly disingenuous and pure uninformed opinion BS.

    It entirely omits 4 years of trump/bannon burning down the state department and driving out career workers there. It ignores 4 years of trump siding with putin and attacking NATO members, weakening those relationships.

    It ignores 8 years of bush/cheney burning down the Middle East and showing the world how unreliable the US can be on the world stage. It ignores the gop lying their way into invading Iraq and it ignores how bush ignored the mission and how trump sold out our presence in Afghanistan, both for personal gain.

    The article does say in one sentence: “the White House has worked tirelessly to bolster its existing alliances, while trying to establish new ones wherever possible.”

    But then turns around and writes a whole article saying basically that despite these counties having a favorable view when Biden was VP, clearly as Pres, he has ruined everything and his support for our allies must be wrong!

  • You have to understand “capitalist” in this case means “I’m in high school and someone looks greedy”.

    Like, there’s nuance and then there’s “everyone who is not an anarcho-socialist-utopian-solar-punk-revolutionary is a capitalist”.

    And I say this totally not defending capitalism, I’m just smart enough to see a difference between “fisher-price my first socialism” vs reality…

    Having a greedy oligarchy isn’t capitalism, it can be just as bad if not worse but the idea things being different is lost on these folks… if you are going to argue that Putin taking everything for himself is just Russia being “capitalist” then you are literally telling the world “I can see lots of trees, but no forest…”

  • This show was waaaay more fucked up than Golden Girls.

    For instance, The Golden Girls had an episode where they track down a jean jacket that leads them to Micheal Jackson tickets and the concept of the elderly becoming homeless. It’s a serious episode where political issues take a center stage…

    Compare that to a show about a couple of women repeating a LOT of southern racist tropes… or the fact that an entire character was a 90s gay stereotype.