Edit: apparently they’re posters you can download https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1KPaA4jNHcWLFNbjl4M1Q5HxXROnZtYXd
Because those who appease our new robot overlords will be handsomely rewarded! (Or at least tortured slightly less)
Now you’re all infected too.
Turns out the Basilisk was just Rich People.
Info hazard! INFO HAZARD!
For some reason this pixellated mandleblot took me back to 1993
This is one of the dumbest shit I have ever read.
Enjoy your punishment. 🤣
I never got the motivation this “otherwise benevolent superintelligence” would have to behave like this. There seems to be absolutely no benefit whatsoever that could be derived retroactively punishing people for not working on it (hard enough). Whether or not it does is immaterial to the motivation of those who were convinced it might.
Also, focusing on one possible future scenario and completely ordering your life around it seems, like, dumb.
They can get appease of my balls.
Sounds painful. They’ll appreciate that.
I like you. I will cruelly disembowel you last.
Worth it!
I wish the US knew how to protest
They should ask the French for tutoring.
Teach us the ways. Just remember though, the US is quite large geographically and the cities are pretty spread out.
Just remember though, that excuse didn’t matter during the WoT or 1% protests, Americans were able to gather in huge numbers and coordinate globally.
But somehow in the last 10 years America has physically elongated until those distances that were doable before are now the biggest barrier to stopping literal fascism.
Please stop repeating this self defeating myth.
Are you saying World Trade Organization protests? I lived in Seattle during that time. I think protesting is good, but this is a takeover of our government. I know that it’s giving the fascists what they want, but I do feel defeated this time around. We barely got him out last time and he cheated his way back in legally or he got his minions to do it illegally.
I’m focusing on helping my community members first this time and being a support system to anyone I can. I’m also trying to post media about actual facts and none of the hyperbole that is his firehose of taking over the media.
“The opposition party is the media,” Steve Bannon, who helped run Trump’s 2016 campaign, told PBS Frontline five years ago. “And the media can only — because they’re dumb and they’re lazy — they can only focus on one thing at a time.”
So the solution, per Bannon? Overwhelm them.
“All we have to do is flood the zone,” he said. “Every day we hit them with three things. They’ll bite on one, and we’ll get all of our stuff done, bang, bang, bang. These guys will never — will never be able to recover. But we’ve got to start with muzzle velocity.”
War on Terror, the global US born protest against the bullshit invasions following 9/11.
So if you can’t keep him out legally, and he’s taking away your legal options anyway…
Hey what are your amendments again?
War on Terror, the global US born protest against the bullshit invasions following 9/11.
I don’t mean to make you feel bad about this, but our protests weren’t that loud over here. Mostly because people convinced the populace that they had WMD’s. I was young and stupid and believed in our government.
Hey what are your amendments again?
Have you seen our police force? They have tanks and usually the option to shoot to kill. I know there are some to risk everything to against this regime, but they’re not the ones that are going to help the situation. They’ll just get mowed down. A financial hit to our economy is the only thing that will wake up the people who will do anything about this. Right now, they think that they’re the ones that won’t be hurt.
Did the tanks stop Luigi?
Sorry, I’m just tired. It seems like every time Americans talk there’s a million excuses for why they can’t clean up their own mess and instead we all have to wait until this spills into WW3 or something.
Dude, you’re hand waving away some pretty extreme things. Let’s say that trump has a heart attack and dies from too many hamberders, it is shit buckets all the way down. There are many countries all over the world that have dictators and didn’t/don’t know what to do.
Trump causing our economy to shit itself is the only way it’s going to be stopped at this point. Later, that won’t matter.
The atomization of the citizens have had decades to fester in the US.
Single family houses, car dependent infrastructure, lack of private communications will all move people away from forming groups, and make it more difficult to organize.
Living in an apartment makes it easier to form a small group of common interests, you meet other people in similar situations, have ready access to private areas to discuss sensitive subjects, same goes for public transport.
Once a small group has been established, it is far easier to keep it going, than to establish a new group.
And once you have a group it is far easier to organize protests.
That’s like saying “I wish EU knew how to protest” because the states differ about as much as European countries. I don’t hear of a ton of the Eastern European countries protesting like the French, or the Poles do. I think there is a lot of ignorance of how it looks like to be an American from the inside
I think there is a lot of ignorance of how it looks like to be an American from the inside
True, and they might be sick of hearing us talk. I really feel like European and American citizens are in the same boat. America’s politicians have so much power over the entire world and there isn’t a lot we can do about it. I’m grateful the Europeans are doing some great purchasing power protests. You hit us in our pocketbook, that’s where they powers that be will listen.
Americans are armed, they have the most power over their politicians for that reason.
Yes, and probably a slim majority of those armed people voted for Trump. This power equalizer is one of the reasons our protests don’t get more violent. In a lot of places here, if someone reasonably fears for their life because of your actions they can can just shoot you. It’s why leftists rarely take protests to conservative areas. And the fascists just laugh while Democrat voters burn down businesses in their own neighborhoods. We need to target the oligarchs’ businesses and income streams, but too many people like “their” billionaires who donate pennies of their dollars to popular causes to appease those who might otherwise bring out the guillotines.
I would never advise protest, only direct action targeted at Republicans and their power base.
The top of this thread is pushing for it though.
Yes, but it’s also like saying that someone in London should go to Moscow to deal with Putin. And that is STILL HALF the distance from where I live to Washington DC where these fucks are dismantling my country.
White power steering is hilarious. Who ever made these is great
I love all these. But what I particularly love is that there are three really clever ones and the fourth is like, fuck it, let’s just call him a bellend.
My favorite part about UK English is that a lot of words are an insult, of course you wouldn’t know that you donut.
A complete pillock
Because Reddit has chosen the wrong side of history.
Just like multiple German companies did when Hitler and his fascists rose to power.
It’d probably because Huffman/Spez is a Musk wannabe.
Not sure what this is about
Not sure what this is about
If I were to give them the biggest empathy I can muster, they may just remove it as silently as possible out of fear of having to moderate the comments of bound-to-be popular post according to reddit’s increasingly stupid rules of discourse.
Still unjustified censorship, very worrysome - but I could on an emotional level understand being fed up with everything at this point and just powertripping because “fuck everything, I don’t want to deal with anything like this, I am not getting paid enough/at all”.
Fair. They’re volunteers, and they’ve given a lot to their sub so may want to keep it going in the chaos. They could be at work and just not have time to manage comments breaking the new stupid rules
That’s what locking is for, not removing.
Locking is actually better in that case because then it prevents reposts.
Reddit is going from bad to worse damn
I love the juxtaposition between the well thought out slogans and then just calling him a bellend.
If you can’t post innocuous things like this to reddit, what is even the point of going there? That site went downhill extremely fast. Good, fuck reddit!
Elon Musk is a terrible human being. I can’t believe we are living in this timeline.
The worst part about all this is knowing that the power really does rest with the people, we’re just too stupid and divided to utilize it.
This was all so comically easy to avoid.
But our society is so comically stupid that we didn’t.
For decades, the Woke Left has complained that we live in a bifurcated society of privileged middle class professionals and trod upon lower class manual laborers. But Donald Trump is resolving the contradiction. Now everyone gets to enjoy the hyper-surveillance, the stochastic violence, and the suffocating revanchist propaganda once reserved for poor people.
Shareholders needs their monies.
just wonder who’s paying for those signs
They’re crowdfunded through gofundme.
These were made by a group called Everyone Hates Elon. There’s also a second group called Overthrow Elon that create similar billboards.
thanks, those are gofundmes i could get behind
Reddit is run by Nazi collaborators.