I’m playing Cyberpunk 2077 and keep forgetting names. The database section helps but it can be tedious going back and forth when I’m reading emails and notes to see what is relevant. This isn’t just limited to Cyberpunk though. I feel like I run into this a lot with games. Any tips for getting names to stick?

  • Dandroid@dandroid.app
    10 months ago

    This helps me SO much. I used to be able to watch 100 episodes of a show and not know the main character’s best friend’s name, who had appeared in 65 episodes and had 6 focus episodes.

    Turning on subtitles essentially cured this affliction.

    I think it’s a focus issue for me. I get distracted while watching TV. My mind wanders, and I start thinking about other things. But if I have subtitles on, I’m hyper-focused.