today was supposed to be my first day of therapy and the therapist didn’t show up. I’m pissed off. I wasted 2 hours for nothing.

I’ve sent her a polite message, asking if she’s sick and hoping she is well, but in reality I wanted to yell at her. However, if I yell at her, chances are she won’t treat me.

Before you suggest to find another therapist, finding a shrink where I live is very difficult and the other ones I contacted have either ignored me or are overbooked. I need therapy and it bothers me to be so dependent on one person.

For those of you who have experienced something similar, how doesn’t it bother you?

    8 months ago

    Alright, I think I get it now. Thanks. I didn’t really consider the long term consequences. As it’s still alien for me, but reading your story I’m thankful.

    I remember being bullied in 1st grade as well. But I also remember that after a while I just didn’t care what they were saying, and they stopped. I guess I wasn’t fun to mess with anymore. This led to me joining the “cool kids”. And in my social circle we’re also agreeing that bullying is bad, but I also see the side where kids who get bullied did something to get bullied. In elementary I remeber two kids, who we hated.

    With person A; I was very good friends with A. Soon I learned that I was his only friend. But the extrovert I am, I tryied meeting new ppl from class. (This was like 2nd grade, idk why I remember this well). And this mf started acting out. I remember clearly that he dragged me out of a man-circle where I was talking, led me to the other side of the classroom. And had nothing to say, just wanted us to be alone. I honestly just told him that it was wierd and went back. Instead of joining in the circle or just talking to me when I’m not with other ppl, he dragged me away to say nothing constantly. It’s not like I ditched him, we were still playing and talking almost the same, he just didn’t let me talk to any other kids. After like a year or half of this it started getting really annoying, and I started telling him strongly to stop. He didn’t. So he became disliked and bullied. Even now I have no idea what his deal was, even if he’s gay, this ain’t the way. And just to note, we were good friends, went to each others’ place almost every week. I’m really sorry for him.

    Person B; 5th grade. The same friendship story, but with my friend. B and by friend went way back