On Friday, the globe hit 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees) above pre-industrial levels for the first time in recorded history

  • @[email protected]
    -28 months ago

    propaganda that encourages one segment of the population to “voluntarily” cease procreation is a method of genocide.

    • F_Haxhausen
      38 months ago

      Who said anything at all about “one segment of the population”?

      I didn’t. Maybe I’m wrong, but I didn’t see anybody in the present thread talk about “one segment of the population.”

      I do NOT think only one segment of the population should cease procreation.

      I think everyone everywhere should stop procreation.

      But they won’t. How could they, when humans have no freewill to choose?

      We will continue making more pointless copies of each other till some outside force stops us from reproduction, like a giant meteor hitting the earth or the sun expanding to engulf the earth or the earth becoming so hot masses of humans die from the heat or some massive highly fatal pandemic destroys humans.

      I can’t imagine what is so exciting about our existence in the first place, that causes us to continue on and on.

      • @[email protected]
        08 months ago

        humans have no freewill

        then ethics are an illisuion and the fact that you think everyone “should” stop procreating is a farce. there is no “should” without the ability to choose.

      • @[email protected]
        -28 months ago

        I didn’t. Maybe I’m wrong, but I didn’t see anybody in the present thread talk about “one segment of the population.”

        they’re not talking about it. tehy’re talknig to it. they’re literally propagandizing english-speaking fediverse users to stop procreating.

        • F_Haxhausen
          38 months ago

          What is so terrible about not reproducing?

          Nothing. Nothing at all.

          I didn’t reproduce. And all I feel is relief. I am happy that I had no children. They won’t have to suffer in this hell of a world.

          • F_Haxhausen
            08 months ago

            You can still have ethics with no freewill.

            You just can’t freely choose your ethics.

            • F_Haxhausen
              18 months ago

              I am not a eugenicist. Eugenicists think the world or people can be improved. I do not think the world or existence can be improved. I do not think humans can be improved.

              If you really are a “commie” (like your username) then you think the world and humans, or the system can be improved. You have more in common with eugenics than I do.

              Also, I am not a misanthrope. I do not hate human beings. I just think existence is an inescapable horror, that can never be fixed. That human beings and other animals suffer constantly.

              But I am in the minority in my views. I am in an infinitesimally small minority.

              You and the rest of humanity go on without me. I have no interest in the future. Or any of the innumerable schemes for utopia paradise: not christian/religious, not communist, not capitalist, not back to nature, not transhumanist, not satanic, not materialist, not idealist.

              People will do what they always do. I have no interest. We are all aimed at non-existence and there is nothing that can be done about that.

              I go delete all my replies now.

                • F_Haxhausen
                  18 months ago

                  Because I can see clearly that non-existence is better than existence.

                  • @[email protected]
                    18 months ago

                    this sounds like you might be suicidal. I hope that you’re not. if you are I hope you can get some help. I hope you don’t kill yourself.

            • F_Haxhausen
              18 months ago

              Thank you for reminding me of the pointlessness of talking to human beings.