Fascists, Racists, Transphobes, Terfs, Homophobes can fuck off.

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2022


  • I’m far more concerned about the rise of Nazism and Monarchism in the USA. Even if we never have a Republican in any governing office again and the country continues to move further and further left, America has a lot of work to do to ensure these forms of tyrrany are never even considered as a viable alternative to Democracy.

    The fact that these forms of governance survive in the hearts and minds of people is an indicator of a larger and more complex societal failing that spans the entire history of America. This is not some strange short term flash in the pan of Nazism and Authoritarianism, it is an insidious and vile tradition passed down from generation to generation, and we have only staunched it’s slow cancerous growth by publicly shaming those who voice these views publicly. Obviously this has proven ineffective.

    I think a more important question than whether one particularly sad excuse for a sad sack of shit may run for president again, is how do we make sure the Trump dynasty, and all dynasties, fade into obscurity until the last remnants of their legacy is a footnote that indicates we lived in a time period when humans, due to many generations of hoisting up those with the most lust for power into positions of power, nearly destroyed themselves. How do we make that happen?

  • Yeah I’ve got quite a few actually. The hotel I worked at was in the heart of Los Angeles, about a mile north of Skid Row. Additionally, our hotel was also a Private Club, with our clientele including some of the most influential politicians, businessmen, etc. of Los Angeles. On top of all of that, I was one of the few employees who simply worked throughout the entirety of the COVID-19 Pandemic until a few years ago when I finally left to pursue another career. So yeah…plent of stories, in all honesty it’s hard to choose one to tell.

    Like I said, the job itself wasn’t all that bad, but I don’t think my experience is exactly the norm for a Night Auditor at a hotel given the aforementioned circumstances I found myself in there. That said, most nightst were quiet and uneventful. I was able to pursue teaching myself how to Code and Program during this time thanks to the sheer amount of freedom and quietude I was afforded at that job, so I am forever grateful I was able to land that position, which I wanted for a very long while, and was lucky enough to finally get it in part because the long term Night Auditor at the hotel retired because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    That said, the social dynamics of watching the rich and powerful wine and dine each other, and drunkedly stumble back to their hotel rooms in the early morning, while also having homeless people knock on our locked glass doors every few hours, well… let’s just say witnessing that kind of dichotomy up close and personal changes you. Were it not for me being good friends with the Security Guard and Engineer, I think I would have eventually gone insane or worse, and thank God I eventually left that particular job. I’d still go back to being a Night Auditor if I could get decent pay and have it NOT be at that particular hotel. The job itself usually does not entail the particulars of that specific hotel.

    One night, a young nondescript woman came knocking on our glass doors after we had locked up for the evening. Usually the hotel guests know to ring a small doorbell next to the door to be let in, and others (usually the homeless), knock on the doors. This woman didn’t appear homeless (her clothes were not in tatters, she wasn’t disheveled), so I thought perhaps she was a hotel guest that simply didn’t know about the doorbell. She revealed that she was recently homeless and that she was looking for a room. As per company policy, we didn’t take walk ins, and I informed her as much. She then proceeded to tell me that her parents were members of The Club and was there anything I could do to possibly make an exception. Normally I would simply shrug this off as being a grift as desperate people will claim a lot of things to try and make their way through our doors and “get lost” somewhere in our building, but she looked rather scared and, perhaps against my better judgement, I decided to indulge my curiosity. I asked her what her parental figure’s name was so I could reach out and see if they might be able to cover the room charges for her. She gave me her father’s name.

    Now, keep in mind, this occurred at around 2AM, and when I typed in the father’s name, he indeed was a long lasting member of The Club. Again, against my better judgement, I called the father to see if I could help this girl out. I got her name and tried to confirm that everything was legit, but of course, that early in the morning, I got no answer.

    In the meanwhile, The Security Guard, who I was good friends with, had told me he would keep an eye on the girl as, to put it simply, was a young attractive girl on the side streets of Los Angeles in the middle of the night with no other company, and yeah… they sadly get harrassed rather aggressively in that situation by passerbys. By the time I got done with my phone call and leaving a message for the father, The Security Guard had had to tell 5 passerbys to beat it when they tried to harrass this young girl waiting to hear if she could get a room. I made another judgement call (again, perhaps against my better judgement) and said that while we waited to hear back from her father, she could remain right outside our doorsteps where the Security Guard and I could keep an eye on her and avoid potential future harrassment. I would have honestly done her one better and let her sleep on one of the couches in the lobby, but the security cameras at that point would have documented me blatantly refusing company policy, as oppossed to simply “making the wrong decision” of letting her remain right outside our doorsteps…

    Anyways, a couple hours later the father calls me back and confirms that indeed, that is his daughter who he hasn’t seen in years. I ask him what he’d like me to do, and he tells me that they are estranged due to a drug addiction problem she has and he simply has had to cut her off. He told me to do what I thought was best…and I… well I kept my cool while on the phone and thanked him for getting back to me at that early hour and that I’d take it from there…but when the phone call was over I asked The Engineer to relieve me while I could use the bathroom and I went to the back and I honestly wept for a little bit…

    Once I had composed myself, I returned to tell the young woman that her father indeed did call but that he was unwilling to help her. I then told her she could stay until one hour before we opened our doors, at which time other staff members would have come in and had they seen her would have told me to tell The Security Guard to have her leave as technically it was loitering… The woman was thankful and did briefly acknowledge that she thought that her father might not help her but she had nowhere else to turn.

    The Security Guard kept an eye on her throughout the evening while he did his usual patrols throughout the Hotel, and because she was right by our doorway, I also kept an eye out. The rest of the night was not as eventful, and an hour before our doors open, I went out and gave her a small bag of food and wished her well. I was relieved at the very least that she wasn’t heading towards Skid Row when I saw her head out, but it was still a chilling experience I’ll never forget.

    Normally something like this wouldn’t have affected me so emotionally, but it was just the way each of the bits of this poor woman’s story unfolded that I just… empathized… or at least sympathized. I, at least on a cognitive level, got where the father was coming from, not letting her “take advantage” of him again, but it nevertheless felt so wrong. She’s his daughter… and she needed help.

    Anyways. I know you probably wanted a story that was more interesting than depressing, but that’s just one that really stuck with me from that point in my life there. I don’t think that’s a normal experience for a Night Auditor to have, so I wouldn’t take my experience as a reason to dissuade anyone from taking the position, but you asked for a story, and so you got one.

  • It would be a much smaller business model. My guess is that there have already been multiple market analyses of what you’re talking about and the determination is most likely that the majority of hotel arrivals occur later on in the day.

    This isn’t to say a good amount of arrivals dont occur much earlier in the day, just not enough to justify the cost.

    Additionally, to flip that would have hotel staff be cleaning rooms at a much earlier time (midnight to 4am), meaning they would have to arrive at midnight to start their shift. At 4am, the cleaning staff management would then need to spend a minimum of 1 hour to inspect each room to ensure it met company and legal standards. This is all ignoring the various tasks this can incur on the other staff like concierges.

    I used to work as a Front Desk Agent, and later on a Night Auditor, in a small, but upscale, hotel. The housekeeping staff were some of the hardest working people I’ve ever met, and yet they were the least appreciated. Those hours in between check-out and check-in was always a hussle. I was always thankful I worked front desk whenever I saw them and would do them small favors if they ever asked (though honestly more often than not it was the other way around and I was asking them for some small request on behalf of the guest).

    If we had the rooms available for an early check in, then we did it, but if not the best we could do was offer them to check their luggage in at the front desk and they were on their own until check in. The occurrence of this wasn’t negligible, but given everything I witnessed, I determined, at least for our hotel, it wouldn’t have been monetarily feasible to adjust that check-out check-in window to accommodate them. It simply didn’t happen often enough to justify it.

  • I agree. I’m not saying its not without it’s risks, Options on individual stocks are pretty risky, but a call Option that follows the S&P500 over the course of 3 years? That’s a pretty safe bet. It takes a multi year US recession to lose that bet, and while certainly not impossible (we’ve obviously had a few of them over the past couple decades), but it’s the safest bet I’ve seen on Options.

    And yeah, there’s somebody on the other side of the bet, in this case usually a Brokerage Firm or other large Financial Institution, as they’re the only ones I can think of that would consistently bet against the S&P. This part I’ll admit does elude me somewhat, but generally there’s always somebody who believes a US recession is coming, and occasionally they’re right, just not as often as the person willing to believe US line go up. The amount of pensions, IRAs, and 401ks that rely on the S&P is massive, and because of that I think there’s a strong incentive amongst the Fed and Wall Street to make sure that line generally always goes up.

    I’m not advising people to buy Options, btw, I’m using this scenario as an illustration to point out how making money on the US stock market is usually based off of mass speculation rather than any actual value made by people actually producing goods and services on the ground floor.

  • Don’t be put off by my jargon and in depth explanation. It is actually STUPID simple to do this. Do a SMALL bit of research and then use a Stock Market simulator to simulate a small purchase Call Option on the S&P 500 for 2 or 3 years. Then leave it. Don’t look at it don’t think about it forget about it.

    Come back in 2 to 3 years and look at your simulated account. If the US did not go into a recession in the last 2 to 3 years you will have at least doubled your simulated money. After that do it for real.

    Or you could be like me and walk away in disgust. It just made me very jaded about US economics and modern capitalism.

  • The rich capitalists haven’t made money the traditional way for about a generation now. The majority of wealth is made on the real estate and stock market which is based off of speculation and expectations of perceived value that have little to do with actual value.

    So they’ll just keep making money off their own money.

    A little secret, if you want to see how this works, look into how to make LEAP Options calls on the SPY ETF. Basically you can leverage some money by buying an Options Call on a safe bet like betting on the top 500 US companies via an Exchange Traded Fund. A LEAP just means that bet is LONG term,over the course of years. Unlike Stocks, Options require you to either cash out (exercise) your Options after a certain amount of time (weeks to years) with the option to “roll over” your option call by putting down money for more time if it didn’t do well in that allotted time, essentially doubling down on your bet should your bet not turn as much of a profit as you wanted.

    This bet can be risky, but if you place your bet on say , the S&P 500, you bet on the top 500 companies. And you’re basically betting on them doing well over a certain time period (say the next 3 years). The key to this is that Options call allows you to acquire say 60% more stock than you could technically afford, but you can only hold it for 3 years. If those 500 companies do well over the next 3 years (highly likely, pensions, retirement accounts, 401Ks, IRAs all rely on the S&P or some variation thereof), you get the returns of those stocks, and you got to leverage 60% more stocks than you could technically afford all because you were willing to make that bet within a certain time limit.

    Worst case scenario is the US goes into a recession that lasts those 3 years and you either lose your entire investment or you invest some more money (but not as much as the initial bet usually) to extend your Option call out for another period of time.

    It’s one of the many ways even the moderately wealthy can earn a hefty profit over legalized gambling. The strategy I’ve just described to you is considered one of the safer bets amongst stock bros I’ve talked with, and it’s a real life Free Money Glitch that works as long as US economy line goes up.

    Now imagine the insanity that goes on in actual Wall Street with actual dynamically changing algorithms and people who have devoted their lives to making more money out of existing money, and you start to realize that these rich fucks at the top can basically say fuck all to investing in companies that create actual value, they just need lower level investors to believe that paradigm still exists.

    They don’t rely on your pennies to stay wealthy, they’ve created the ultimate dream of capitalism, where money infinitely generates more money regardless of what’s happening in reality.