C’mon honey! Could you please pray in tongues for me again near my bussome?
C’mon honey! Could you please pray in tongues for me again near my bussome?
Yeah, it keeps the cheese 🍕 from sticking to the box.
Great idea!
That’s right! Ukraine comes to you!
Every day, that final bullet comes closer and closer to putins head.
You’re right. I was just trying something different. My thinking was…hmm I don’t need a full SMTP IMAP system, Thunderbird can do that. So I searched and found a dockerized Thunderbird. But it turns out to be an idiotic implementation. Why would I install a full OS system to VNC into it to use an app inside of it. But maybe that’s easier for some people than to try and come up with a better way to send and receive authenticated emails?
I just posted this latest email about a traffic violation apparently. It’s just a scam. A fantastic scam too.
I mean, this would be the first theory to try. Then after finding many specimens, if various other ancestors are found, then you change the theory. That’s science for you, always improving.
Okay I had enough of this shit. I’ll go wack Putin. I had other things I needed to do, but fine. Just go get the masks ready and mine better be good.
Can’t they just not allow anyone on their server? Like read-only while people talk about it from other servers?
But then I don’t get all the previous mail forwarded. I have to go get zip files and such.
Same same. Just thinking of how to get into the exhibits rather than just the gift shop when I donate my Johnson.
Somehow after all the years, I’m still at the level of key chain trinket. I need to invent something or become famous so I can at least advance to the $9.99 shelve. Maybe one day I could be at the level of resin in shot glass paper weight…you know, like $19.99 level?
It’s probably nothing, just jump in and come back already guys!
I choose cremation but before, my penis will be removed and donated for politicizing as a gift to the world famous penis museum. It may not be much to look at, but maybe they can sell it as a chotchky or a keychain trinket. Maybe a guy will hang my jewels from his first cubicle to keep snacks. I’m creative, why not end as weird art. Right?
For 15 dollars you can park your car in a mountain elevator which will go up in a straight line on the side of the mountain. LOL.
I’m going to try using round cube. If it can go into my own SMTP and IMAP it should be able to go into Google’s. But how do I archive/retrieve emails so they live only on my server after extraction from Google. I want to keep IMAP but not share my IMAP folders with Google.
I think the answer is no.
You never hear about that one anymore lol.
You’d be surprised about the Republican party and their mental retention of useless facts.
Science: hmm 🤔 look at this thing! If you bring enough of uranium together it will start a chain reaction!
Engineering: ok. How much can I handle per minute before dying? Nah, I’m not going to handle it, a tech is going to be doing that! Given your formulas, and using these more stable isotopes, we figured that two rods 30mm by 100mm will be enough to make this device practical. Here are the drawings we reviewed with science guy. He agrees.
Tech: alrighty, I’ve put it together, fucking engineers forgot to add a door! And my hands slowed a little.
Low ranking officer 💪…this thing is fucking heavy, fucking engineers and look at how I have to move it on this big ass cart so I can fasten it to the aircraft! Almost broke my back aligning the holes to insert the release pin!
President: code is alpha bravo India…some bullshit speech…God speed. Fucking engineers made this microphone too short and I have to crouch a little while watching this magical picture of the actual plane I’m commanding from 6000 miles away…
Commander officer: he said go! Go! Go! And also fucking engineers for some reason. I’m gonna go do that blonde I met last night.
Pilot: heading 0, 7, 7, 0, throttle up 30%! Release release release! Holy shit fucking engineers.
Probably Joplin is the easiest to use. Looks like OneNote but it’s different in many ways.