While it doesn’t have a copy and paste key, my omnikey ultra is certainly wacky.
Getting excited over “mundane” things. New silverware, vacuum cleaner, pan etc.
Going over bank statements. Going over stock options.
Using hot water to wash my hands instead of cold (don’t even do this yet but I’ll know I’ll be a geezer when I do).
Not caring about others opinions about you. Just living your life.
Cooking. Specifically soup and porridge.
Checking email multiple times everyday
More users, and less crazy people. Sometimes it’s ridiculous either what people will argue about, or how mean they’ll be.
If a basic summary is 100% accurate you will get torn to shreds.
Everyone spying on me, listening to everything I say and tracking everywhere I go.
That and instant pots. You just put in ingredients and out comes food. It also makes rice way better than you ever could on a stove.
I think it would be nuclear warfare. Nuclear fission is a universal development for any advanced civilization. It would be easy to construct a nuclear bomb in an advanced civilization. Once a few rogue/pariah states start making them, everyone’s screwed.
Making nukes is easy, the only reason we don’t see more nuclear states on earth is because of the international backlash. With a couple more Iran and North Korea’s we’ll likely meet the filter ourselves.
Sharpening/polishing knives and tools. No music or videos, just the sharpening. Water stone and warm water too.
It’s cathartic to do a good job sharpening and spending the time to get a good result. Especially when you get to the buttery smooth finishing stones. They’re quiet but have, quiet, subtle sounds that are relaxing to listen to.
TF2s aged beautifully (in terms of graphics), the art style carries it astoundingly. Half life 2 and portal look definitively dated but TF2 holds up really well (I know it had graphics updates but still).
Dude, I’ve got family there in the UK already, happy to take me in and I don’t mind the change in scenery.
Ill see what happens, presidents like to talk big before they’re elected, but if everything really goes down the shitter, and project 2025 is successful I’ll seriously consider leaving. Very fortunately I am British by decent. Not the greatest improvement but a significant one nonetheless.
I do it because I don’t really mind a shit show, but I 100% understand those who want to remain out of it. Lemmy is insanely toxic at times and it’s sometimes made me reconsider this platform.
Yeah, I find most wireless headphones sound like hot garbage compared to decent 20$ headphones (Koss KSC75, moondrop chu’s). Any actually decent sounding pair are usually expensive as hell.
I tried really hard to like wireless, I have had like eight different pairs ever since they really came out and disliked all of them. They’d always break, all of the time, constantly. Out of those, like 4 or 5 of them broke in less than a year. Most decent pairs of earbuds and headphones will have replaceable cables, and I know how to solder to repair those that don’t.
Nowadays I completely avoid them, they’re just e-waste disguised as earbuds. I work in computer repair and these things are 9 times out of 10 completely impossible to repair.
Some of it comes from “binning” of chips. Despite our technology, processor manufacturing is kind of a gamble, the number of transistors a chip will have will be somewhat random, and the performance will vary. They will then sort and separate these processors by speed, “binning”.
That’s why you see CPU models that are nearly identical to each other but vary slightly in speed.
Plus, companies love money. They will make a product for every possible conceivable market. Say if somebody doesn’t want to spend 200$, but can afford something greater than 150$, there will be a CPU for that gap.
Then different workloads require different types of CPUS. Single core applications need high clock speed, protein folding and needs many, slower cores and servers need processors that prioritize stability.
I’m worried that corpos would use AI to exploit “human sections” of the internet. Already on reddit I have seen bots that try to answer questions, but “subtly” promote their product (sometimes to a comical degree).
Wherever there are people, there will soon be bots to deceive and exploit them
None. I think I’ll honestly move off of the internet once ai becomes sufficiently advanced(as in web browsing). Every god damn company is so hell bent on making AI that can flood the internet with tons of mediocre, irrelevant, “content” that there’s no point in visiting it anymore.
Tons of comments now are made by bots running chat gpt, hell there are even bots made just to bully people. The internet is dying, and corporations are eager to kill it.
Yeah, I actually use a cheap kiwi nakiri and flattened the edge 😆
This is a weird one. Agree with them and basically be really pathetic. It really messes with people like this and narcissists.
The moment you fight back, or try to establish boundaries with people like this, they perceive you as challenging them. Since these people are ultimately insecure they will put you down really hard, to feel secure about themselves.
HealthygamerGG has a video on establishing boundaries and how it rarely works, and he discusses how you should approach it instead.
Extendo arm. It’s goofy as hell but it’s a god send when there’s a bunch of random crap on the floor. They also have deceivingly good grip strength too.
Hand held vacuum. I don’t think this is that niche anymore but it works really well for cleaning tables, random tight corners and I park it next to my clothes dryer to easily clean the filter. I also use it a TON for sucking up bugs. Buy a corded one since battery operated ones die fast (I went through 2 or 3 of these personally)
Bench scraper. Easily removes 90% of any grime on hard surfaces. Honestly more effective than a rag and detergent. When I bought mine I decided to try it out on my “thoroughly cleaned” kitchen counter and removed a disheartening amount of grime. Afterwards I use some detergent just to sterilize everything.
In my personal opinion, the largest impact you have as an individual is your vote. Once elections are over there’s no need to keep up with the news, there’s nothing you can really do after all.
Something that really changed my perspective is that one of the oldest men to have ever lived, lived and grew up in Venezuela, a horrifically mismanaged country with tons of despair. Despite everything around him and living very modestly, he lived to an extremely old age.
You don’t live that long without will to live but despite his circumstances he found personal happiness and fulfillment.
Moral of the story, despite the gloomy world out there doesn’t mean yours deserves to be too.
Same. Spent hundreds and hundreds in hours of destiny, just to be kicked down the power cap every year or so. I’m still not even good at it. Spent similar amounts of time in other grindy games like Minecraft and terraria. If you like playing videogames, that’s fine, but eventually a switch flipped in my mind and realized it was all for naught. I didn’t have any new skills, I never progressed in any of my hobbies, I didn’t make anything.
I still play with friends and enjoy the occasional singleplayer game, but I never participate in grindfests anymore. Just a waste of time.