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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • USA here. They’d likely consider this to be extremely patronizing, but I consider most conservative voters to be unaware of what it is they are actually preaching. It’s crazy but the more extreme their views get, the more I’m convinced they’re misinformed and misled. Some folks at the top of their pyramid I legitimately hate - I have no doubt they know exactly what they are doing.

    So many of conservative beliefs just fly in the face of reality. I hate that they’re perpetuating the harm that the beliefs and resulting policies cause, but seeing as how they are mostly based on clear and obvious lies, I have to assume that most of the supporters just don’t realize they are being lied to and have invested emotionally in an identity that actively harms their own interests.

  • Your clip is Biden saying he did exactly what I said he did and exactly what my source says he did. The US administration, Europe, and the IMF was displeased that the prosecutor wasn’t going after corruption and wanted him fired. The United States, via their chosen representative Joe Biden, threatened to withhold aid if they didn’t fire the guy and find someone who would do the job.

    You are saying Biden did something for reasons that were not in the interest of the US and it’s allies in order to benefit himself and his family. I’m saying he did that same exact thing because it was, in reality, the US and it’s allies’ literal goal. Biden saying he did that thing does not support your false statement regarding why he did it.

    It’s clear you aren’t reading any sources being shown to you. It’s clear you aren’t even reading the quotes from my sources that I included in my response to save you the trouble. It’s clear you aren’t addressing any other points raised in my response.

    It’s clear you are not engaging in discourse. You are willfully spreading disinformation and think a link and insincere politeness makes you look like a reasonable actor. My response is here, not because I think you will respond with anything relevant but because I want the audience you want to misinform to understand what you are and what you are doing.

    Please step outside and touch some grass. While you are at it, please tell whatever foreign power is paying you to spread this nonsense that you need to improve your script or flowchart or whatever.

  • in a fair and free world you will have different opinions and both sides need to be respected

    This is true when it comes to matters of reasonable opinion. The problem is that opinions are not facts. You cannot tell me that the sky is green and that I need to respect your opinion or the world is not free. In truth, the world can be endangered by your incorrect understanding of reality.

    Joe Biden literally leveraged aid money as per US and European policy to have an ineffective guy fired. Do you think the Obama administration and the IMF and many European nations were all pressuring Ukraine to protect Biden’s son?

    Mike Carpenter, who served as a foreign policy adviser to the then-vice president, told USA TODAY that Shokin “never went after any corrupt individuals at all” and “never prosecuted any high-profile cases of corruption.”


    As a result, Biden leveraged $1 billion in aid as “a stick to move Ukraine forward,” Kupchan said. “He was acting alongside our European allies. Everybody was of a single mind that this prosecutor was not the right guy for the job.” 


  • We hear aid is provided, we hear aid is taken away from civilians by Hamas beating people, we hear people selling aid packages to others civilians. We hear all sorts of things.

    Which of these potentially terrible things negates what has been done to the people of Gaza? The destruction of their infrastructure - housing, universities, hospitals. The killing of civilians. The living conditions. The starvation.

    So there is some, but not nearly enough aid. So some bad actors are taking advantage of the unimaginably fucked up situation there. How does that change the fact that Israel is at best using collective punishment (a war crime) and at worst committing genocide?

  • Because those in power spend a lot of effort distancing themselves from the impact they have and casting blame on everyone else, including on the victims.

    A local factory may be poising the locals, paying little in taxes, and exploiting workers on the cheap but they are the biggest employer and its those minorities’ fault for some reason and if not that it’s the locals’ fault for not pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps like their fathers did…

    Oh, and look over there, quick! A teacher is trying to groom your kid because he refused to shame that one gay kid in school! Git 'im!

  • I see people cosplaying as Hamas as Palestine protests. Cosplaying as genocidal maniacs.

    I can’t take you seriously.

    First, Israel has committed war crimes against Palestinians for decades. When nobody plays by the rules there is no point in quoting the rules.

    Very few people condone killing civilians or taking hostages. Most people support the liberation of the Palestinian people and peace.

    Which is why it’s only the young and naive that support it.

    Only the naive think that the situation is anywhere near as cut and dry as you seem to imply it is. And only the gullible think any fraction of the population worth mentioning are cosplaying as or celebrating the actions of Hamas.