Backblaze reports HDD reliability data on their blog. Never rely on anecdata!
Backblaze reports HDD reliability data on their blog. Never rely on anecdata!
Ah, thank you for explaining. I understand where you’re coming from. Nevertheless, from the point of a view a small NAS, RAIDZ1 is much more space and cost efficient so I think there is room for “pets” in the small homelab or NAS.
I get that. But I think the quote refers to corporate infrastructure. In the case of a mail server, you would have automated backup servers that kick-in and you would simply pull the rack of the failed mail server.
Replacing drives based on SMART messages (pets) means you can do the replacement on your time and make sure you can do resilvering or whatever on your schedule. I think that is less burdensome than having a drive fail when you’re quite busy and being stressed about having the system is running in a degraded state until you have time to replace the drive.
I mean if it’s homelab, it’s ok to be pets. Not everything has to be commoditized for the whims of industry.
I think solely focusing on usability for “power-users” single page makes sense. Nevertheless, I think web design seems to prefer many pages though I don’t know if that’s driven by user-friendliness or driving up the “click-through” rate.
I don’t know if you’re into this, but this would be a perfect project to learn a new language or framework.
Do you mean RTSP
Camera: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B086L8TWM5?psc=1
Also use Motion with post-Motion capture alerts sent via XMPP. Got the family on XMPP so it works out.
Not answering your question, BUT I went with POE IP camera in the end. They one I got form Amazon has an IR blaster and filter so it can see in black and white at night. No good Open-source HW options for that as far as I’m aware. Access via an RTSP on VLC
or MPV
. I use motion
to access web streams and motion detection
At the end of the day, just move providers. Can’t beat the hydra!
I have my family (for chat), security cameras (for motion detection), and server notifications on my own xmpp server (Prosody
). Private and works for me.
Lots of good libraries for programming bots with updates. Can upload images or videos to the chat.
That’s a lot of data to be archiving! What’s the archiving action responsible for this, or what group? I work with SRA and GEO daily for work, so this is interesting to see on lemmy.